behavior issues

  1. S

    Mutation and How to tame an IRN T.T

    So.... I got a ringneck from a pet store about a month ago. The store was going out of business... He was the only bird that was available other than budgies(originally I was planning to get senegal parrot but he was sold already). I was told that IRN is a he, less than a year old, handfed and...
  2. S

    Budgies not getting along

    I recently got a new baby boy budgie to befriend my current 2 Yr old male budgie and while they seem to want to be near eachother they also keep picking on eachother. Whenever there is food, my new budgie tries to steal from my older one causing the older one to snap at him. Sometimes they try...
  3. M

    My crazy GCCs won't settle down

    I've recently adopted two green cheek conures (supposedly male and female). One is 10 years old, and the other is about 7. They've been absolutely screaming their heads off from day one, and we've had them for a month now. They have toys (Which they never really use), and spend most of the time...
  4. morepork

    Alexandrine contact call. hormones or anxiety?

    I have a 5~6 year old alexandrine male (who i suspect to be a ringneck hybrid), who i got last year as a rehome. i know nothing about his previous owners/care other than that they have had many types of birds, and would frequently rehome/cycle through birds when i first got him, it wasnt as bad...
  5. Frog & Chickpea

    Behavioural help for GCC

    Hello, yet another new member here! I recently adopted a green cheeked conure, Echo, (unknown gender yet), and am ecstatic with them. They are not yet tame, but are not fearful, and accept bigger treats from my hand. They seem very eager to learn. Their age is somewhere between 6 months and a...
  6. psitticine

    Quaker biting

    Hi guys, I made a similar post before but there have been slight changes since then so I have new questions! If you commented on the original post, welcome back to the saga! My adorable Quaker, Rainy (unsexed, 7mo) started biting excessively a few weeks ago. A lot of the time she starts as soon...
  7. psitticine

    Quaker Mode

    Hi everybody! This is my first post :) I have a four month old Quaker named Rainy. I think s(he) is a female. She's a crossover breed, and the breeder told me they usually end up being female. I'm in the early stages of taming/training, and have never had a quaker before. I knew she would be a...
  8. fury

    Sudden aggression/behavioral changes in Jenday conure

    Hello, this is my first post on parrotforums, but I felt like it was neccessary to ask this because I'm not sure what to do ... (Hope I'm doing this right lol) I've had my Jenday for about 4 years now and I raised her from a fledgeling, she(I think she is a girl, though nobody knows for sure)'s...
  9. bethellerby

    Friendly Conure Loves Biting Hands

    I am a zookeeper that works with quite a few birds including ex-pets. My particular question is in regards to an ex-pet green-cheeked Conure called Eric. For more context he lives alone with a group of Amazons. Eric is my best little buddy at work and he truly loves me. He flies the length of...
  10. Z

    Cockatiel Screaming

    As of the past couple days, my new cockatiel, Hebe, will not stop screeching when she wants something. Sometimes, I have absolutely no idea what she wants, but she will just continually screech as if I’ll get her what she wants. I try not to give her what she wants, but I think she thinks that...
  11. E

    Ekkie Issues

    Here's my story, seeking any information you guys can provide. Beginning last July our eclectus, Charlie (hatch date 12/26/15), has been having behavioral issues (mainly feather destruction and screaming). Within the span of a few days he had gone from a beautiful green belly to tattered...
  12. D

    My two conures fighting

    Hello, I have 4 parrots all of them have been together since 2017. All were babies with only intervals of two week difference. Three males one female. All of them loved each other. But out of the nowhere two of the males started fighting (Im not sure if it is because of the female, she was...
  13. K

    goffin wants nothing to do with me or my family

    hello, friends :) i’m very new to owning cockatiels and birds in general, but i have family in my household that helps me with them. we have 2: a smaller cockatiel and a bigger goffin cockatiel. the smaller buddy behaves well with us and we have no problem with him. the goffin, however, changed...
  14. Gokha

    My IRN would not eat inside his cage

    Hello everyone! I own a 3 month old IRN baby and I have to admit I spoiled him a lot. I got him right before the Corona thing started, so I was able to spend a lot of time with hime, maybe too much. He ended up eating and being weaned outside of the cage and usually only goes to his cage to...
  15. D

    My lovebirds behaviours changed

    Hi everyone! This is my first post, hope you guys can help me out. :51: I own two lovebirds. Rocky has always been at the top of the pecking order. Paapi below or equal too him. The last few days I’ve noticed both of them rubbing their beak on the cage bars and chewing them as if wanting to...
  16. Ashilde

    Feeling like a bad parront :(

    Does anyone ever feel like despite all their efforts that maybe their little feathery friend isn't happy? To give a little background, Aki is a canary-winged parakeet that was stuck in a pet store (and in an undersized enclosure) for over half a year before I couldn't stand it anymore and...
  17. AspiringBirdPerson

    Question about conure bonding?

    Hi everyone, i have two green check conures that I got two years ago. since then I have been working with them and training them every single day, by now they know many tricks and games but they still don’t seem bonded to me... the male, Loki is jumpy and afraid of any new objects... he bites...
  18. BAMM17

    Questions/Thoughts on Territory and Defensive Behavior

    I have an approx. 1.7 year old Blue Crown and there are defensive behaviors in certain situations that I have questions about the normality of and how or if I should deal with. Generally, he is not an aggressive or hard-to-handle bird (to his "flock" members); He does occasionally play "rough"...
  19. Chewyena

    Hormonal Parrotlet 😩

    Hey y’all, my little guy Keo is going through a VERY hormonal stage. He’s about a year old now, I’d attach pictures but I’m on mobile atm (if you know how to upload images correctly via mobile feel free to let me know!) but anyways! I’m doing everything I can to discourage Keo from this...
  20. D

    Conure biting

    Solly is a male, one year old in January. He was the sweetest parrot ever. He never bit someone before. But in August, my brother came to visit me and it looked like he was jealous. He was attacking him for no reason. After that I went to my brothers house and it appears that Solly knew it...
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