behavior help

  1. S

    Mutation and How to tame an IRN T.T

    So.... I got a ringneck from a pet store about a month ago. The store was going out of business... He was the only bird that was available other than budgies(originally I was planning to get senegal parrot but he was sold already). I was told that IRN is a he, less than a year old, handfed and...
  2. A

    Parrot scared to touch skin—anyone seen this?

    hey! I’ve had a Quaker parrot named Humphrey since October of last year. He was a rescue that was found loose outside, so none of his history is known. Humphrey is very receptive to learning and has been picking up on new vocalizations and tricks. He enjoys spending time with us, but will...
  3. psitticine

    Hormonal behavior?

    Hi! I hope I can get some insight into a relatively new behavior from my Quaker. Rainy will be 9 months old in a couple days, and I know she’s due to start puberty soon if she hasn’t already. A month or two ago, she started exhibiting this new behavior that I’ve been wondering about. It looks...
  4. Frog & Chickpea

    Behavioural help for GCC

    Hello, yet another new member here! I recently adopted a green cheeked conure, Echo, (unknown gender yet), and am ecstatic with them. They are not yet tame, but are not fearful, and accept bigger treats from my hand. They seem very eager to learn. Their age is somewhere between 6 months and a...
  5. Migi.oso.priti

    A little help, please...

    Preface: I've had migi for 5 years now. He's my best friend. He's had behavioral issues in the past but we've always gotten over those humps. I've done plenty of research online so I think I may already know a lot of the answers I'm looking for, but I'm reaching out in hopes of getting some more...
  6. Choufie

    What Do These Head Movements Mean?

    Fifi Bowing Her Head So this is Fifi, who I adopted from a rescue last year. She’s estimated to be about 3-4 years old, but the rescue knew nothing else about her except that she’s female and another parrot injured her beak. I’ve finally decided on a vet and will be taking her in for exams and...
  7. K

    goffin wants nothing to do with me or my family

    hello, friends :) i’m very new to owning cockatiels and birds in general, but i have family in my household that helps me with them. we have 2: a smaller cockatiel and a bigger goffin cockatiel. the smaller buddy behaves well with us and we have no problem with him. the goffin, however, changed...
  8. T

    Caique not really acting like a caique?

    Hello all! I've adopted an older BHC (ca. 3years) about two weeks ago. I've always wanted one because their personalities are amazing! However, my new baby doesn't really act like a caique. He is not very active and not really interested in his toys. He naps a lot during the day, but he doesn't...
  9. A

    Young Green Cheek Biting

    I recently adopted a 6 month old green cheek conure. Problem is, he's rather nippy. I've done so much research and tried so many methods in order to get him to stop, but nothing has worked. He bites hard to the point it breaks my skin. Here is what I have tried so far: - Blowing on him gently...
  10. H

    Indian Ringneck Trouble!

    Hi! I've had my Montu for about 8/9 months now, making Montu about a year and a half now. I love her to pieces, but I'm very sure she doesn't like me very much. She flies from me, bites, and screams whenever I get too close. Anytime I come close she pulls away. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...
  11. L

    Is this a sign of agression?

    Hii, so I have a 3 yo BFA, bonded to me since I got her as a babe. She is quite mild for an Amazon, not too aggressive or even loud. Spends a lot of her time playing upside down, hanging, or swinging in her cage and outside. However, lately, when I ask her to step up when she is on top of her...
  12. D

    Caique named Buckbeak

    I adopted a WBC around thanksgiving with a broken beak. A little background- someone dropped it off saying it's beak had been bitten off as a baby, it is now 3-5 years old. The owner had a ton of birds, had a heart attack, and had to get rid of them all. The store didn't know much more and I...
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