behavior change

  1. Harlie&Indie

    Aggressive Male towards Female

    New to this forum so apologies if it has been asked before. We have 2 rainbow Lorikeet's, Harlie who was 1 in May and male & Indie who is 2 in October and female. Harlie has started this thing where he attaches Indie into the corner on the bottom of the cage when they go back in for bedtime...
  2. psitticine

    Hormonal behavior?

    Hi! I hope I can get some insight into a relatively new behavior from my Quaker. Rainy will be 9 months old in a couple days, and I know she’s due to start puberty soon if she hasn’t already. A month or two ago, she started exhibiting this new behavior that I’ve been wondering about. It looks...
  3. Aprilxoxo

    Bird agressive to anything that comes near me.

    Hi everyone. Ive had this 9yr old galah (Kiera) for a few months now and shes been quite the handfull. Usually it was her just not liking anyone, especially me since im her primary carer now. She wouldnt interact and when anyone got too close you got a serious bite. Shes do her get away from me...
  4. E

    Drastic change in personality

    Hello! My wonderful avian vet says that my one and a half-year-old Electus, Hoku, has some mental health issues due to falling. When he was young his wings were clipped too short and he has never learned to fly. For the first year of his life he didn't seem too distressed about this and was...
  5. fury

    Sudden aggression/behavioral changes in Jenday conure

    Hello, this is my first post on parrotforums, but I felt like it was neccessary to ask this because I'm not sure what to do ... (Hope I'm doing this right lol) I've had my Jenday for about 4 years now and I raised her from a fledgeling, she(I think she is a girl, though nobody knows for sure)'s...
  6. Raz

    Why is my male jenday conure acting like this?

    My male jenday conure had always been friendly, but would sometimes get angry, which is understandable. But now he’s been suddenly lashing out on my hand or arm when I’m not doing anything at all. I suspect it’s because it is spring , or mating season. I attached a video, if anyone can give me...
  7. R

    QP Highly Territorial and Sitting at Bottom of Cage

    Hello. My Quaker parrot, Gumi, has been acting differently than usual lately. She’s 3 years old and usually hangs on the bars of the cage, but recently she’s been sitting at the bottom. She’s also become highly territorial, lunging and screeching at the cats from within her cage whenever they...
  8. D

    4 year old starting to bite

    Hi, my Dori is 4 1/2 years old, I have had here since she was a baby. She has recently started biting HARD. For example, sitting on my shoulder she will just out of the blue, bite my ear ... not the gently preening nibbles. The other day I had my hand out for her to step up and she just bit the...
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