
  1. EllieTheConure

    should i get Ellie's band removed?

    Ellie is starting to get a little bothered by her ID band on her foot. i'd personally like to keep it on her in the case that she flies away, but I also want her to be comfortable and not irritated.
  2. littleredhen77

    leg band questions

    Hello! i just created an account so i could get on here and see if anyone can help me figure this out. My name is Heather and i had been looking for a male eclectus for over a year when i finally found one for sale near me. i didnt want to pay a breeder so i was hoping one would pop up that i...
  3. sjaine

    Band doesn't match Birth Certificate?

    Hi! Sorry if this is answered somewhere in the forums already, but I couldn't find anything. So, we just bought a Jenday Conure and I was curious about his leg band. The 'Band' notation on his birth certificate doesn't match the actual numbers on his band. Is that normal?
  4. Angela19

    Band Help...

    Hi, I just got my new baby Fri. night. Ive been trying to search his band number and I cant come up with anything. I got him at a pet store and im just curious about his info which the store didnt have much of...hmmmm. I actually tried to look up a number for a member on here yest but it was a...
  5. M

    Leg Band Question

    I've been trying to find out where my BHC came from. His leg band reads "ITSF", followed by "FL" (which is on the side) and then 189. Any ideas who's the breeder? Any help would be greately appreciated!
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