bald patch

  1. L

    Lovebird plucking her own feathers 😥

    My lovebird start plucking her own feathers 3 days ago..and now her back is bald.. I dont know what causes it but she seems to have been scratching her own ears alot.. we dont have vet here in my country..anybody knows how to help her
  2. E

    Bald under wings

    I have a 9 year old rosella that has pretty big bald patches under both his wings, he's been to the vet for multiple tests including beak and feather disease, mites and liver disease but all came back clear. My vet doesn't seem to think it's caused by plucking because there's no irritation, and...
  3. dhraiden

    UnRuffledRx Feathered Up - how to entice to be eaten on dry foods?

    Earlier tonight my GCC Mochi got more than the usual errant white underfluff feather lunging (she's nesty/hormonal/the dominant one) at Mango my Gold Capped while they were roaming around the couch as we all sat watching TV; she plucked out about eight feathers or so, all from around his left...
  4. Conureflock

    Can meds make parrots go bald?!

    Hi all, I have a black capped conure, really young (just turned 3 months old) had her about a month and last week my Hahns macaw bit her foot. After limping for 24 hours I took her to the vet and he said she’s broken her foot. He prescribed her antibiotics and anti inflammatory/pain meds...
  5. S

    Is my bird plucking?

    I noticed that my bird has a bald spot, do you think he’s plucking or injured? he doesn’t seem to be in any pain. :yellow1::confused:
  6. C

    New Parrot Owner that needs help!!

    Hello everyone! I’m Esmeralda and I have been a parrot owner for the pass month. I have attached a pic of her chewing my sweatshirt’s cord. When I first got her she had very few feathers and I thought that she would stop the habit of taking off her feathers but she still remains featherless on...
  7. Paco_the_Amazon

    Baby Sun Conure Feather Concern

    Hello, fellow Sun Conure owners. I would like to start off by saying that I recently purchased a baby Sun Conure, who the breeder told me was around 7 weeks of age. I’m not sure on the gender but that’s why I made an appointment for him or her next week at a local Avian vet to educate me on all...
  8. R

    Help! My Indian ringneck has bald spots

    Hi everyone. Im just looking for a second opinions on my indian ringnecks problems. Recently we took Leo to the vet as he was pulling his feathers out and we thought it was mites. The vet told us it wasnt mites and that he has strained kidneys and that his gland was blocked from a build up for...
  9. Axel

    Balding Head

    Today a medium sized bald spot formed on my budgie’s head He’s been acting totally normal. I don’t see him scratching or itching or anything. Is this just his first molt? Or something else?
  10. C

    My grey cockatiel is balding?

    To cap everything, he came in with a full head of hair, I think (I don't remember). When I first brought him home, he had a lot of difficulties readjusting. He was untamed and extremely skittish, because he just came from a home with children. He flew toward the windows a few times, hit his...
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