
  1. These cutest baby lovebirds flew for the first time to their gym tower

    These cutest baby lovebirds flew for the first time to their gym tower

    Our youngest baby lovebirds Rainbow and Chatter both just took their first flight 2 days ago. I caught them after they landed on the birdie gym tower, so swe...
  2. Early Days  - The Hatchlings

    Early Days - The Hatchlings

    Phoenix is our oldest lovebird, she just had a clutch of 5 eggs. They all hatched. Here are clips of the hatchlings a few days apart during the hatching period.
  3. New baby #2

    New baby #2

    Phoenix had 5 hatchlings this time, this is one of them taken on the 11th. They really do grow fast, so wonderful to watch.
  4. hatchlings @ 02-01-23

    hatchlings @ 02-01-23

    Our oldest lovebird Phoenix had a clutch of 5 eggs. This pic shows 4 hatched, 1 to go. We are now hand feeding 3 of them.