baby conures

  1. L

    I need help with 4 baby conures and a single parent!!!

    I have a single parent bird with 4 baby chicks about a month and a half old. i had to take 1 of the parents out bcause of aggresive behavior. I have a few questions, is one parent enough to feed the babies alone or do i need to help hand feed them when im home to help out? Also how do i get them...

    2.5 month gcc feeding

    Hey everyone, this week I got a 2.5 month healthy gcc. He has been very happy, and we have been cuddling and the bonding is going great so far. What I am slightly confused about though is the feeding situation (We hand feed). I'm not sure if I'm over feeding or I'm doing ok . We got a lot of...
  3. C

    Baby Conure Biting Issues

    hey all, I've just brought home a young (2 months) green cheek named Corvus and she is the love of my life! she's very friendly overall but has some issues biting. at this point I can't tell if it's just because she's so young (she's still getting used to perching) and doesn't quite have a good...
  4. beetory

    Baby Glow Up ♡

    Hello! I just wanted to make an update on how my babies are doing. It's been a while, I've been busy and just overall not up to posting much but!!! I'm so excited to share these pictures. It's so hard to get my babies in one frame together because they just love doing their own thing and...
  5. beetory

    My Little Ones ♡

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to share these pictures of my little ones, they made my heart feel so warm, I almost started crying looking back at them lol :heart:
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