
  1. B

    Guilt he’s not with me 24/7

    Hi all, new member but have browsed before and you seem to give very straight-talking (but knowledgable) advice, and was hoping you could impart some wisdom. How do I stop feeling guilty and anxious leaving my boy even for short periods? I did not used to be like this. I lost my first bird a...
  2. SleepyLuca

    How do I cope with having to rehome my bird?

    (Long; mentions of anxiety & depression) I’ve had my boy from the day his egg was laid, and I love him with all my heart and soul. But my mental health has taken a huge dip and it’s getting to the point where I can no longer function. Sadly this is because of my boy, his increasing aggression...
  3. morepork

    Alexandrine contact call. hormones or anxiety?

    I have a 5~6 year old alexandrine male (who i suspect to be a ringneck hybrid), who i got last year as a rehome. i know nothing about his previous owners/care other than that they have had many types of birds, and would frequently rehome/cycle through birds when i first got him, it wasnt as bad...
  4. K

    My 4 month old parrot is acting different

    Hello, I’m new to this forum, and I have Asperger’s Syndrome, so I apologise if I describe anything badly. I found a breeder in London, England and purchased a baby African Grey from him at 3 months old. We agreed she should leave his residence when he feels she’s ready. I picked her up on 24th...
  5. Derpology

    Am I doing something wrong?

    I'm not sure if I should be worried but I am. I guess its some sort of new Parrot parent anxiety. those of you I have talked with know I have a rescue 37yr old male umbrella Cockatoo from a neglectful situation. I came into this wanting to improve his quality of life and give him the best I can...
  6. Ava.rg

    Help!! Advice needed

    Hi everyone! Happy to say I haven’t had to make a post in a very long time because my 1 year old green cheek and I have been very happy! So here’s my dilemma I can’t decide if I should take my bird with me the weeks I go to my dads house or not. the back story: Every summer I go to my dads...
  7. P

    Feather plucking and diarrhea

    Hi everyone! I am a feather mom of three. I have a green cheek and cinnamon conure and a budgie. My green cheek has always had light feather plucking issues that never fully go away. He gets better then goes right back to plucking. I’m spending quarantine with my parents and they live in WA...
  8. J

    Help with dealing with anxiety

    This is my first post other than my intro so if I'm doing it wrong sorry. This question was what actually pushed me to make an account, I've only seen like one or two other threads discussing this topic so I wanted to see if I could open up the discussion a little more. As far as mental illness...
  9. L

    Bird Health & Anxiety

    So my caique is a few months old, and he has been sneezing a little. Mostly in my room. The humidity was 30 and temp about 70, a few times dropped slightly. I spoke to one of the avian vets already that I have always taken my parrots to, and he said it sounded environmental and said time would...
  10. D

    Need help with taming

    I have two red rumped parrots in a single cage. It's been around 5 weeks since i've got them. Male has a very funny, loud and deffending personality, the female on the other hand is usually shy, but that doesn't keep her from doing the hammer time with her buddy almost every single day...
  11. C

    i need help with my cagebound budgie

    hello all! this is a very new account (and a very new layout, not used to forum boards) but i need some help for my ~4 year old budgie. hes a big chatterbox and very attached to his safe space cage. he was doing fine the first months i got him, until a good friend of mine (not so much anymore)...
  12. J

    Rescued cockatoo screeching

    We had owned a Too for 38 years, so we aren’t new to bird care. But we recently rescued an Umbrella that had been relegated to a garage for two years. He automatically adopted my wife as his owner. But the moment she leaves his sight, he screeches until her return. We leave the TV on, he has...
  13. jaciesaur

    General tips on handtaming, conditioning, etc.

    A year ago, I brought in an Alexandrine parakeet. I went to the place where the "breeders" were keeping her, and my heart just BROKE. She was a year old already, and they were still housing her in the same cage as her mom and dad, and the mom was nesting. The poor thing kept trying to go into...
  14. M

    Very angry parrotlet, need advice!!!

    So my little guy Tango is the angriest bird I've ever seen. He does not care for me, he steps up and gives kisses but that's it, he won't let me touch him or pet him and will 9/10 run away from me when outside the cage. His companion is Major, my parrotlet one year older who lost his brother...
  15. EdenRR

    Anxiety Attacks and Grooming (Advice)

    Hello all! I've just made an appointment to take my 10 year old Green Cheek Conure, Burgundy, to the vet for a grooming. But I'm pretty nervous because the last time we took him to a groomer, he had a bad anxiety attack. His beak was open in a way that I can only describe as panting and he...
  16. M

    Hand anxiety

    My 13 year old male lovebird has developed a seemingly sudden fear of hands over the last 2 months. He has always been very social and affectionate with the family, but will no longer step up. He flys away in fear when a hand approaches him, but is happy to step on someone's shoulder or head...
  17. AngelSeri

    Separation Anxiety?

    I've had my 6 month old male SI Eclectus for about a month now, and all was going great until about a week ago. He started screaming everytime I left the room, and now he's even plucking out down feathers when I have to leave the house. He checked out great with the vet, has plenty of toys & a...
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