
  1. C

    Need Advice. How to care for my blind albino cockatiel and give fresh fruit/veggies ?

    Hello, i got my albino female cockatiel named sally around 6 or so years ago from an owner, i'm unsure of how old my albino cockatiel is but since i've had her for a while i'm probably guessing she's around 12 years old. Sally developed a cataract in her left eye 3 years ago i think, and just...
  2. W

    Looking for albino (whiteface lutino) cockatiel male

    I am looking for an albino (whiteface lutino) cockatiel male. I am willing to pay extra to have the bird shipped. I would like the bird to be friendly though a breeder bird would be just fine. Please contact me if you can help. MODERATOR EDIT: As personal contact info is not permitted on...
  3. S

    Question about albino parakeet

    I've owned parakeets in the past, however, this is my first albino. I thought she was pure white until I examined her closely. While her eyes are the standard red/dark pink and her legs are flesh of an albino, her feathers have a very soft pink hue to them. The part of the feathers just above...
  4. Comoriri

    Strange parakeet

    Could anyone offer some good advice for how I can help my Parakeet, Gizmo? I've got him relatively recently (about a month ago), while he has improved, his behaviors seem strange. He rarely makes any noise at all, never bites when handled, and seems to stay relatively still. While he has...
  5. eyalovespico

    budgie gender trouble?!?

    i got my albino baby at a pet store a month ago! I've never had birds before so i didn't know anything about gender and stuff and they didn't tell me at the pet store. i researched and came to the conclusion that pico was a boy due to the hints of blue at his/her cere. but I got girls from a...
  6. S

    please help my dove

    Hello everyone!! Ill try to keep this short. So I have a albino ring neck dove. I've had her for about a year now no issues at all. She is living with 2 other birds , a male cockatiel :grey:about 1 year old and a male Green Cheek Conure:green2: about 5 years old. Everything was fine until one...
  7. J

    Need Advice!

    So I just welcomed 2 new parakeets to my home. One of them is what you would expect a budgie to look like but the other one is albino (not lutino). It is with the albino one that I am having problems with. First off none of the birds like her or really interact with her at all. She seems to be...
  8. I

    My Cockatiel had a seizure, please help!

    Hello I'm brand new to the forums, I wouldn't have joined if I hadn't been for yesterday's event. Let me start by quickly debriefing you all on little Turlough o'carolan. He is my mom's bird, and we got him a little over a year ago when he was almost a year, so he's a year and a half, or two...
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