air purification systems

  1. BekOwens94

    Optional Ionizer Tower Fan

    Hey, first time poster and long time parrot owner. I have bought a new tower fan and upon opening I’ve noticed it has an optional setting on the remote to turn on ION. I just wanted to know if this fan is safe to use in the room where the parrot sleeps if the ION feature is turned off at all...
  2. oliver_is_the_best_birb

    Should I get an air purifier?

    I have a limit of 98$ to spend on bird things (Yes, I have to make myself a limit) in this month. So, I can either spend it all now on a new air purifier or borrow one from a friend, and still have money for toys. Now, I know that sounds dumb because I can just take it from my friend, but...
  3. Tiel

    Parrot-safe air purifier

    Hello guys! It's getting cold in Germany these days and I honestly don't want to open the window as much anymore, especially now that I'm dealing with a potentially infected bird. I've now decided that it's really worth to invest in an air purifier, but I'm a student on a budget and I was...