
  1. H

    Cage aggressive/hormonal macaw

    First video I’ll attach below is the parrots behavior on cage and inside etc. and second will be how she behaved outside of the cage while at the vet. This is the first parrot that I’ve foster who has had this severe level of cage aggression/hormonal issue. She’s a current foster I’m debating...
  2. R

    Problem with screeching Senegal parrot

    Hi, everyone! I’m new on here and have a 10-15 year old estimated Senegal parrot. I adopted him about a year and 4 months ago and for the first 9 months he was so great and screeched minimally. When summer hit in May he started screeching a lot more. He screeches when he’s in the cage, when he’s...
  3. I

    DYH amazon suddenly being aggressive ?

    My parents bought a double yellow head amazon a 3 weeks ago. When we got him the guy that we bought him from told us he was 3 months old when we first got him he wasnt agressive he wouldnt let us touch him but we knew that was understandable so we didnt touch him. Weve had bad experiences in the...
  4. Pearla7096

    Aggressions problem

    Hi, this is my first post, and I could really use some help with my bird's recent aggressive behavior. My bird is a little more than a year old, and I believe his aggression might be related to a mirror toy in his cage, possibly due to hormonal changes. Today, when I tried to let him step onto...
  5. C

    Sneezing, scratching and aggression

    My new gc conure (he's 4 going on 5 months old) has begun sneezing about 6 days ago but it started being more frequent 3 days ago. He was really sweet, no biting the first few days we've had him, except the first 2 when he was new to things. After some time and coincidentally or not, when my...
  6. BB03

    African grey aggression when training

    Hello, I have recently adopted a 3yo African grey called George from a friend who no longer had time for him. We get along well and George will allow me to put my hand in his cage to change things and will happily let me touch his beak, feet and belly when I put my fingers through the cage and...
  7. junipersr

    My bird is biting me, hard

    I'm a first time bird owner and I got my lovebird, Percy, a few months ago. He came from a previous owner who couldn't give him enough attention, we think he's around 10 months old now. Now I say he, but he hasn't been sexed and I'm starting to think he's far more likely to be a female. I've...
  8. sundae


    I have a problem with my newest parrot- a quaker. He is a 2yo male. He likes to hang out with people, will sing, and fly to you to check out what are you doing. The thing is- whenever there's a piece of skin in his reach, he will start preening and then biting really hard out of nowhere. He...
  9. D

    Need advice for conure

    Hiya, I bought a green cheek conure , I’ve been looking into it for a while and own other breeds of birds, the conure was suppose to be hand rared, so I’ve been trying to get her to step up, but she stays in one place and refuses to move , she won’t take food from hands, and has started biting...
  10. millet

    My 3 months old ringneck isn't interested in any kind of interaction.

    When i got my male ringneck around 2 weeks ago, he was wild, and afraid of everyone. Now 2 weeks later, he steps up, flies to me, takes treats from my hand, and he is also target trained. But he doesn't care about any form of interaction. He isn't afraid of my hand anymore, but when my fingers...
  11. A

    Green cheek conures biting

    Hey everyone, I'm actually new here, but I searched everywhere to find some solution for this, but I'm still not sure what to do... I have two green cheek conures. We adopted them, and the previous owner said they are a male and female and they just turned one year old now, but I'm not sure...
  12. S

    Adopted quakers, grumpy! Help!

    Hi everyone! I own a pet store, and was surrendered two Quaker parrots with not a lot of background history so I will give everything I know about them here: Lulu - female we were told, “hates” children and men, had a mate before but died(?) is 2-4 years old. She has a bald spot at the base of...
  13. B

    Should I rehome my parrot?

    Okay, before I start this I need to say, please try to be civil, please no comments telling me off, suck it up, etc. (This community seems very nice and, logically, I know I haven’t seen anyone do that, but I am a very anxious person), This is hard enough for me already. So. I got my Amazon...
  14. P

    Is my IRN bluffing or is he aggressive?

    Hi, I am new here so just getting the hang of things. I was given a approx. 4 week old IRN orphan in july 2018. I hand raised it and he was the sweetest baby ever. I did step up training and also some flight training. He also gave me kisses. Then he came into the bluffing stage and started...
  15. missivy

    HELP! My Quaker Hates when I do My Makeup!

    Hello. So here is the situation. We have had our blue quaker parrot Indy for almost 2 years now. He was about 6 months old when we bought him from a local pet store. (knowing what we know now about bird sactuaries and the rehoming rate of parrots, we will adopt any future birds, but thats a...
  16. A

    New Quaker Parrot

    Hi! I recently acquired a quaker parrot from a not-so-great home and we're trying to adjust to eachother. His name is Nico and he just came into my life this morning. I was wondering if you guys could help me understand some of his behaviour? When I first met him he was very bitey, drawing a...
  17. H

    Shamrock is attacking my family

    Shamrock is a young (4 no more than 6?) green cheek conure. I'm usually the only one who handles her. A few years ago she flew at my sister, it didn't look aggressive but was trying to get a grip, unfortunately she was trying to on her head. Well my sister was pretty much done with her since...
  18. B

    Agressive Ekkie, advice loved

    Hey everyone! I rescued a male eclectus a little over a month and a half ago (he is five), when I got him he had to be on medicine for three weeks, but he is off it now. For a while he was great, I did clicker training with him and he has been doing awesomely with it, but all of a sudden this...
  19. morgandenis

    Young Conure starting agressive behavior...any suggestions??Thanks!

    Hey everyone, My boyfriend and I have had Loki, a pearly conure, for about 5 months now. He's always been nicer to my bf, and been kind of nippy with me. He doesn't really like to go play with toys or anything, he just hangs out on us all the time, and would just fly from one of us to the other...
  20. D

    Thinking about an Amazon companion

    Hello, Guys! I see here is the best place to get some information about my decision. For a long time now i have been thinking of getting a parrot. I used to work in a pet store for about 5 years 1 of which i was working along side to an Amazon Parrot i think he is a blue front one ...
  21. C

    territorial Conure help

    Hi my name is Cassidy and I have a year and a half year old jenday conure. We moved to WA state about a month and a half ago due to my husband getting stationed here. As of late he is becoming more territorial. If my husband hugs me or kisses me and Jamie(my bird) sees it has has a freak out...
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