
  1. S

    Bird Suddenly Attacking

    Hi All, I own a Black Capped Lory (Male). I have had him since he was 4 months old, purchased from a hand-reared breeder. He used to be very friendly with everyone but as he got older, he began to show aggression towards people he wasnt familiar with, where only I could handle him. When he was...
  2. L

    Is my male conure sexually frustrated?

    Hello, A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I adopted another conure. We already had one conure by the name of Reggae who is 8 months old. The other conure we got (gender is unknown but we refer to her as she) was just weaned before we took her home, she is two months. We kept them in separate...
  3. R


  4. Strangebird

    Step-up fail, biting boy

    I need some advice on teaching my Alexandrine to step up. He's 4 months old and I brought him home 1 month ago, his gender is unknown (I just use he/him for him, becuse why not). He was raised by his parents so he was wild and fearful when arrived. By now, he's a lovely, active, playful...
  5. D

    A way to tone down aggression in a parrotlet

    I have one two year old pacific parrotlet. She is the only pet I have and I live alone with her, though I often have visitors. Most of the times, she is quite docile, though she is a bit destructive with household objects, when left to her own devices, but I think this is expected of any parrot...
  6. fury

    Jenday suddenly bites, shows aggression. How to stop this?

    I made a post here a while ago explaining that my (supposedly female, I haven't sexed her but I'm just guessing) Jenday was being aggressive towards some of my family members, and that it was likely hormonal behavior ... I thought it would end, but has almost gotten worse ... My Jenday conure...
  7. B

    Cockatiel problems with conure

    Hello. So, I have a cockatiel (Artemis) and a conure (Xatu) that are both male. Xatu is about 8 months old, and Artemis is of an unknown age, but around 1-2 years. They get along really well for the most part - grooming and feeding each other even. However, multiple times throughout the day...
  8. S

    How to deal with sudden jealousy in Quaker Parrot?

    My partner and I have had our Quaker parrot Milo for 8 months, and he has just turned two. We decided to get a rehomed green cheek conure and bring her home to meet him. His attitude has completely changed towards me though, he has become jealous and aggressive. He doesn't seem to want to let...
  9. Quetki

    New friends??

    I want to get my GCC a friend. Are Green Cheeks more of a solo bird? I know it depends on the bird. I was thinking of getting another GCC or a Sun Conure. My bird is a bit jealous of objects, I've noticed. When I give attention to anything else (phones, tissues, drinks) he will attack it and...
  10. fury

    Sudden aggression/behavioral changes in Jenday conure

    Hello, this is my first post on parrotforums, but I felt like it was neccessary to ask this because I'm not sure what to do ... (Hope I'm doing this right lol) I've had my Jenday for about 4 years now and I raised her from a fledgeling, she(I think she is a girl, though nobody knows for sure)'s...
  11. C

    Green Cheek Conure Is Suddenly Aggressive

    Hello, first time posting here. My mother and I have a 8-year old green cheek conure (9 in November) that we've had since he was a baby. While he can sometimes be a bit bitey, the last week or so he's been increasingly aggressive. He'll bite both of us out of nowhere, and a few times he's drawn...
  12. S

    Aggressive Female Lovebird

    Hello everyone, I have a 9 month female lovebird who has progressively gotten more and more aggressive and bitey over the 3 months I’ve had her. I’ve tried to work on trying to get her to step up but she bites my finger or does these weird head movements which to me seem like a sign to step away...
  13. OpieBoy

    Quaker Parrot suddenly aggressive and bitey

    Hi there, I've had my boy Opie (2 years old) for a year and a half now. He has always been a very affectionate, smart, gentle boy. Initially he was scared of everything and over time he grew more and more confident. He comes to me voluntarily for scratches, cuddles, or if he just wants to be...
  14. B

    Angry bird! Please help!

    Hello! I recently purchased my first Indian Ringneck about 2 weeks ago. The breeder said that he/she (no idea of the gender currently) was hand reared and is about 13 weeks. When I got him home I opened the cage door and allowed him to move into his new big boy cage, the one he was kept in by...
  15. P

    Aggression towards women

    Greetings, I recently adopted a pineapple conure (around 5 months old) 2 months ago (also I don't know my parrot's gender but I feel like she is a female) and I've noticed she lunges towards women to bite them and I don't know to keep her under control when guests come over but with males she...
  16. P

    GCC Aggression Issues

    Hi all! I have a 6 month old Green Cheek Conure (w/Turquoise Mutation) named Zazu :) and recently over the last couple months she has become a bit aggressive towards other people outside my immediate family. I am not sure what entirely changed but I believe the lack of social interaction (not...
  17. A

    Hormonal Quaker?

    Hi all, I've had Arthur, my 1 year and 7 month old male quaker, for a little under a year and a half. He loves learning new phrases, flying and shredding toys but lately his behavior has been getting bad. I'm used to him yelling when we leave him alone in a room and I understand that's his...
  18. L

    Is my bird grieving?

    So I posted a few days ago that one of my parrotlets died at the emergency room, and since I've been home and interacting with my other parrotlet (she's my only bird now), I've noticed she's been biting me more. I can tell that she's also molting it looks like, but I was wondering if it could...
  19. B

    Conure’s Sudden Aggression Towards ’Teil

    Hello everyone! At home I have been revamping an old cage that belonged to another bird for my cockatiel so that she can have a bigger home. My Green Cheek Conure, Sage, my Lovebird, Peaches, and my Cockatiel, Florence have all been on the playpen on top before peacefully. All of a sudden Sage...
  20. C

    Territorial Agression - Green Cheek

    I just adopted a green cheek conure 10 days ago. He is 15 years old and believed to be male (but never tested). He was raised by the same family since he was very young and is supposedly tame. His primary human went to college and as a result, has not received enough attention for awhile - which...
  21. D

    Bites when training

    I have a couple of issues I'd appreciate some help with. I've restarted training of Sammie, my 13 1/2 year old white bellied. She's been with me since she was 4 months. I'm experiencing the same issue I had when I initially started target training. I get her to touch a stick or bell and...
  22. H

    Male Budgie Agression Towards Mate

    Hi all! New to this forum and I'm hoping I can get some insight. We have 3 budgies at home and 2 of them, Igor (m) and Shiva, mated. Shiva laid a clutch and we got 1 baby budgie out of it. For the last couple weeks Igor has been showing a lot of aggression towards Shiva. This was totally...
  23. socktheconure

    Hostile Cockatiels Update

    Edit: I am considering uploading update photos, including the Budgerigar. Would you guys mayhaps appreciate the photo updates more? Hello everyone! I apologize for the lack of activity. I'm a very anxious individual, so I tend to be stand-offish about a lot of responses and such. HOWEVER I am...
  24. C

    Help needed

    Hi, I’ve had a pet Alexandrine parrot for just under a year now and we have had a good bond. I have been able to pick her up, play with her, clean her cage with no problems. However, we recently just got back from a 3 week holiday, so the bird stayed at a family members place. Since having her...
  25. Sunnybirb

    Some things that helped me with a macaw who hates men

    I wanted to make a post just about this, since it seems to be a pretty common problem with rescued parrots. I'm no expert, but I wanted to share the things that have been effective and the process itself. Keep in mind, it's been months and months to get here; it didn't happen overnight and takes...
  26. PenClem

    One bird is possessive of the other...

    I have two DNA-sexed Peach-faced Lovebird sisters who are now three years old. One often regurgitates for the other. In fact, Clementine will beg for it as if she were a baby where she gently flaps her wings, bends down and forward, and opens her mouth for Penelope to feed her. This behavior has...
  27. N

    Need Help with Rescued Conure

    A week ago, I rescued a 10 yo female Jenday Conure from a lady online. I was told she'd step up, was friendly, and preferred men. That, besides her age and gender, is all I was told. She refused to let me come over to meet the bird, which I found understandable given internet stranger, but I...
  28. Pansexualpuns

    very suddenly aggressive bird

    hi! my black capped conure, theo, has suddenly become hyper agressive- enough so that im incapable of taking him out of his cage, in the last day or so. hes bitten me hard enough to draw blood the two times i attempted, which is very upsetting because he hasnt done so since i got him. i got...
  29. T

    New bird bonded to pet sitter, now aggressive with family

    I am new to the forum and did a search for this issue, but didn't see anything on point. I have two parakeets and a new GCC, Hestia. We brought her* home about a month ago, and she is 7 months old. We were following the rules about quarantine, so she was in my bedroom for the first few...
  30. W

    Targeted Lorikeet Aggression - Help much appreciated

    My sister has owned a small rainbow lorikeet for about 2 months now. They used to be relatively inseperable (apart from when she had to go to school) but recently it's started being super aggressive when she goes near it. It will happily hop onto my arm, but even just having her in the proximity...
  31. T

    Gonna Foster an aggressive/paranoid Eclectus, I need some tips

    So I have decided to foster a male ekki on from craigslist, I am fostering it because the current owner is scared to let it out of its cage and handle it, 6 months ago he had a tangle up in the owners blinds, and though it was not injured, it was became aggressive, and refused to step up and...
  32. L

    Is this a sign of agression?

    Hii, so I have a 3 yo BFA, bonded to me since I got her as a babe. She is quite mild for an Amazon, not too aggressive or even loud. Spends a lot of her time playing upside down, hanging, or swinging in her cage and outside. However, lately, when I ask her to step up when she is on top of her...
  33. ingkeu

    Biting as "playing"?

    I have a male blue-throated conure, he's about 7-months old. I understand that messing around and being everywhere is a normal thing for such a young bird. The problem is, from what I can see, he "likes" to go to my dad and bite him when he [dad] accosts him [bird] by "tickling". Sorry for...
  34. T

    Galah Chases and Attacks

    About two weeks ago, I found a Galah which was obviously an escaped pet. Local vets were notified, we posted it on a community Facebook page and have checked ParrotAlert, but we haven’t gotten any responses so we’ve decided to keep him. Most of the time he’s very friendly. He’ll fly over to you...
  35. S

    7 birds & It's out of control

    So I joined this site because I'm determined to do something about my mother-in-law's (I'll just call her mom) birds. She has 7 birds: 5 green-cheeked conures (The oldest is Snaps, his mate is Shy, and their three kids, the only one I remember the name of is Shadow), one sunny conure (Oscar)...
  36. S

    My Little Corrella is aggressive towards other people!!!

    Hello, I am new to the forum, I have joined in hope of finding help. I rescued my little corrella, Buster, 6 months ago. I was told his owner had unexpectedly died and he had been passed to two other people before he was with the couple I took him off. The first people who rehomed him couldn't...
  37. I

    Growing behavior issues

    hello everyone , My name is Irving and my girlfriend and I adopted a 12 year old cockatoo nearly a year ago. Up until about 3 months ago she was practically the perfect bird , give or take some property destruction and a little screaming she instantly took to both of us and even interacted with...
  38. crazybirdlady19

    Green Cheek Conure Aggression

    Hi there! I adopted a beautiful young GCC (1 or 2 years old) just over two months ago, and he used to be the sweetest, cuddliest thing. However, within the past week or so, he has become very aggressive toward me--fanned out tail, screaming, and biting HARD whenever I even come near him. My...
  39. H

    seeking advice on constant M2 nesting/aggression

    My Moluccan - who I've had for 15 years - has been becoming more and more aggressive as he ages. This I expected and have worked around for years, and is usually not a problem as I can read his behavior better than anyone. But his interests are almost exclusively limited to nesting and nesting...
  40. gavagai

    Mixing lory species

    So with the possible exception of an iris lorikeet, I'm not thinking about getting any lories until after I have a house and can build outdoor housing which I can keep them in most of the year. That said, I'm wondering already whether different, not-closely-related lory species can be housed...
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