
  1. C

    Aggressive Eclectus Female, how do I calm her?

    as the title says, I have a female Eclectus (New Guinea Eclectus roratus according to her papers) and her "partner" which seems to be a way smaller Eclectus species. I got them 1,5 Weeks ago from a guy who couldn't keep them anymore due to health problems, the male is 8 Years old and roughly as...
  2. H

    Is my new bird already bonded to me or does he hate me?

    We just brought home a ~14YO male Senegal from a home that wasn't spending much time with him. He seems to be settling in well so far - no plucking, he's vocalizing to us a lot, and he has willingly stepped up off of his cage a few times despite some territorial strutting. What I'm finding...
  3. S

    I dont know what to do anymore, my parrot has random moments when he is aggressive.

    Hello, Let me start by saying this, I wanted a pet, needed something to give me a bit of purpose and take care of. A few years ago I developed allergies to cats and dogs and this has really brought me down. So I decided to get a parrot, did some research, looked for what would be suitable for...
  4. quackerz

    Conure overly clingy and biting issue

    Hello, I guess this thread is a follow up to my last post. My GCC is usually just nippy which doesn't scratch skin or draw blood. But recently he would be mad at me and bite my VERY hard after I leave him in the cage for even just a couple hours. This aggressiveness can last up to 3 days during...
  5. Quetki

    new conure trouble

    I've gotten a new Conure. It's been really difficult though. Unlike my first bird, it seems to be scared of hands. It's hard to tell if it's tamed or not. It allows pets, but runs away and bites hands. I've gotten 4 nasty bites from it already. I'm not sure how to approach this. My first bird...
  6. S

    Aggressive Female Lovebird

    Hello everyone, I have a 9 month female lovebird who has progressively gotten more and more aggressive and bitey over the 3 months I’ve had her. I’ve tried to work on trying to get her to step up but she bites my finger or does these weird head movements which to me seem like a sign to step away...
  7. missammo

    Territorial Biting

    I have a green cheek conure named Pocky that has a lot of trust issues. Her family moved away and gave her to my dad. About a few weeks ago she came to live with me. She has a huge biting problem. Pocky hates fingers. It's impossible to get her to step up on your finger since she doesn't like...
  8. SavannahB

    Green Cheek Aggression issues

    Hello! I have a Green Cheek Conure, Ivan with a terrible aggression problem. He's 7 years old, and I have had him since he was 3 months old. He's always been gregarious and territorial, but the trouble really started when I got married. Ivan as it turns out, HATES my husband. I'm talking...
  9. J

    help with aggressive ringneck

    Hi there! it's my first time using a forum so forgive me am not sure how this works but here I go, I have 2 indian ringnecks (male and female) they're about 2 years old and I have managed to sort of hand tame the female, she doesn't bite (anymore at least), she steps up (not all the time...
  10. N

    Inherited IRN

    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, and new to bird owning itself as I have never owned a bird in my life, but recently I inherited a mature green IRN from a deceased relative. I'm not sure how old he is, and my relative wasn't even his original owner. He has never been handled to my...
  11. S

    My conure attacks me randomly ???

    I have a Pineapple Cheek Conure who is 2 years old. She is very friendly and loves cuddles and talks A LOT (like A LOT). But sometimes, she just randomly attacks and bites really hard. It's starting to become a major problem because I become too afraid to take her out of her cage sometimes...
  12. W

    Please help me

    hi everyone, I would really, really appreciate some advice as I have no idea what else I can do to resolve my problem. (please bear with me as the names of my birds might confuse you with their sex). -First I bought Mr White (blue fischer :whiteblue: who is a MALE) and Mr. Blonde...
  13. R

    can someone explain this behavior (Video link)

    ok so Roxie is one year old and recently she often does what she does in the video alot!! and it hurts! i dont know why this is happening she is healthy, plays and everything but once she is out her cage and on me she starts doing that! she once did it on my face and thank god i evaded. and just...
  14. R

    Random vicous bird aggression. Help!

    Hello. I've had my parrot for 8 years now, but I have only brung him once to a vet. Today randomly he started attacking me and biting me. He has never been like this ever! Usually he comes and cuddles, but just a few minutes ago he began to lunge and even fly at me in a furious attempt of...
  15. sammybird

    aggresive cockatiel

    My cockatiel loves paper and whenever i take it away he gets really aggresive! anyone know why?
  16. T

    GC Conure Attacking Me

    Hey Everyone, So I recently posted about my Green Cheek Conure (Yoshi) who was going through a very nippy phase usually getting aggressive when she didn't get what she wanted. Now unfortunately for me it has turned into straight up attacking me! It's gotten to the point where I can't pick her...
  17. T

    Help! GC Conure won't stop biting!

    Hey everyone! I am hoping someone here has some advice for me. I have a beautiful green cheek conure, I have had her for a few weeks now. Her name is Yoshi and she is a little over four months old. She is a very sweet bird, and she was already hand trained when we got her... but lately she she...
  18. C

    Very attached Eclectus, its a problem...

    Hello everybody, I have a male Solomon island Eclectus who happens to be extremely attached to me. He'll regurgitate to me sometimes, squawk as soon as I leave the room he's in, scream and bang his head against his cage if he is locked inside when I am in that room and as soon as I let him out...
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