
  1. E

    what is his ages

    the breeder told me that he is 6-7 weeks old but i think je is younger his feathers are plucked how old do you think he is
  2. S

    Probability of Taming

    Hi everyone, this is probably a very popular question but I wanted to gain some opinions from others. I currently have a 1 year old budgie (give or take) that was previously owned by an acquaintance. He claims that he got her when she was young and used to have a very close bond with her up...
  3. Zainabals

    How old do you think my Lorikeet is?

    Hey everyone, So I was wondering does the beak color give any idea how old a lorikeet might be? I mean the shop owner mentioned he was about 11 weeks old but I saw other members with lorikeets that age and their beaks look more orange. We’ve had our lori for about 3 weeks now , more orange...
  4. G

    Advice needed for our first ringneck bird

    Hi we are buying our first parrot & well excited, we are told he is 12 weeks old but selller has no proof ive been you tubing to check what a 12 week old ringneck should look like & been told to Look at the eyes, can someone just help us confirm if this ringneck is young please as we are new to...
  5. Luna Kamel

    What is my parrot's gender and age?

    Hello, I've been really interested in buying a cockatiel because of how gentle of a friend they can be. I was offered this one, the seller told me they don't know their gender, also added that they're around 6 months old. I really want a male cockatiel, I was told they're more likely to sing...
  6. F

    Male or female budgie

    I have this lovely budgies, but i need to know his/her gender/sex, secondary question what is his/her age :-
  7. A


    Hi! I recently bought a parakeet and I was wondering if anyone can guess his age? The pet store explained that he's possibly 6-7 months old or under a year, but he seems young to me. His name is Patchy because his coloring has patches of white~ I couldn't find his iris's but I'm guessing its a...
  8. vljenewein

    English Budgie ?

    I was watching a talking Budgie on Youtube, named disco, who died around 6 years old or so. It was said by one of the commentors that English Budgies do not live very long due to health issues. LINK for reference : I saw some videos of him and he had quite a vocabulary for a Parakeet...
  9. B

    Age of my budgie!

    Hello all, I’m new to this forum and don’t know I much about budgie. I just wanted to check if anyone could tell me the age of my budgie. I got them just yesterday. Also, whenever is it closer to them she start fluffing and and itching each other. Could someone please explain why.
  10. A

    How old is my budgie?

    I know the basic rules for determining budgie age, but I could use some help from someone with more experience. 1. Teddy does not have bars on top of his head, but there are some black specks. Is that just how he looks, or could they be left over if he recently lost his bars? 2. I do see white...
  11. V

    Indian ring neck age

    Can someone please guess the age and gender of the parrot?
  12. bostralian

    How old does this Amazon look

    Hi, I'm new to this site. I bought an Amazon parrot 4 years ago. He was supposedly 11 months old when I bought him but I'm not sure. He's my first Amazon so I was wondering whether someone could help me figure this out. most of these photos were taken between two years ago and now. The last...
  13. M

    Help with establishing age of Alexandrine parakeet

    I live in Northern Thailand and recently purchased my first bird; an Alexandrine Parakeet Lutino. The breeder was not so clear on the exact age of the bird and I was wondering if someone could give me an estimate (+/- 1 week?) based on these photos.
  14. R

    Do birds go through biting phases with age?

    Hey guys! I have a question! So my Kakariki is going to be 3 months old in a couple of days. Lately she's been in crazy bite mode. She is a friendly bird, I can pet her and hold her. She's just been biting everything lately. Fingers, clothes, ears, hair, neck, floor, purse, toys, anything in...
  15. J

    General Questions

    Hello, I am very heavily considering getting a parrot, and am pretty dead set on getting a Grey. I don't know much about these birds outside of what I have read over the past few months. So I have a few questions I hope you all can help me out with. -Differences between Congo and Timneh...
  16. ZephyrFly

    Help? Getting a Green Cheek Conure

    Hi Guys and Gals, I'm from the UK and hopefully getting a green cheek conure sometime in the future. I've got a few unanswered questions though. Starting off, I've found a breeder, they're lovely and their birds seem bright and healthy. They've been quite busy as of lately though and have been...
  17. B

    Telling the age of a sun conure

    Has anyone got any idea how to tell what age a sun conure is. In regards to the attached photo the bird is up for sale they have put up that he is 16 weeks old. I Donno but my conure is about 7 months old and doesn't have that much yellow What are your thoughts and is there I way I can tell if...
  18. I

    Unsure about Conures real age??!! Help

    Hey I'm kinda unsure about the real age of my new (relatively) Sun Conure....I have previosly owned a sun conure (Mango :orange:) and after her unfortunate death earlier this year i have now a new friend also a sun conure ...his name is Darwin :orange:.... The lady whom i bought him from stated...
  19. sana13


    hi Can anyone pls tell me the exact age of my bird??
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