african grey

  1. B

    Looking for a blue-fronted amazon

    Hello People. I am from Bulgaria and i am looking to get a baby amazon parrot, maybe around 3-4 months old. The thing is in my country we don't have that many breeders who have amazon parrots. And i don't have from where to get a blue-fronted. I contacted a person on one facebook group for...
  2. B

    Plucking behaviour african grey

    Hey all, I joined this forum today because of the issues my African grey Eevee currently has. if you have any helpfull comments or any tip or even tricks i would love to hear them. Chronological time order: Parrot started plucking 3 weeks ago, and ofcourse i went to the vet the check if...
  3. Preening


    Andy, 5 years old. Taken 2024. Note: Andy is an intermittent mild plucker
  4. Sammy + Andy

    Sammy + Andy

    Sammy and Andy on walk during the summer of 2019. Ages 5y&7m
  5. ericalvincent

    I need some advice on African Greys

    Hello all! I am looking at getting a Congo African Grey and am wanting some tips and information on them, even experiences from owners who have them, literally anything anyone can give me. I’m not ready for one quite yet, probably not even within the next few years as I do have a cat and am...
  6. Urstrulyme

    Re-homing our African Grey Buddy

    Looking to rehome our 9 year old African Grey Buddy. We got him a year ago and me being disabled has made it a challenge to give him the attention and care he deserves. Located upstate Albany area NY. Comes with cage and toys. Used to pluck very badly but stopped. We had a house fire and he...
  7. threat2society

    weird (barbered?) feathers

    I've written about this problem a few months ago, but it was just a couple feathers. Now they're all over my almost 1 y.o. CAG's body. I don't think she could've done that herself, because only new feathers look like that. i noticed that when a new feather is almost ready, it's already like...
  8. threat2society

    is my shower water ok to shower my bird with ?

    both of our showers in the house have filters in them there's basically salt in the water to keep it clean. i really need to shower my 10 month old CAG because her skin is pretty dry and the area around her beak is very dirty and sticky from eating pomegranates LOL. can i shower her with the...
  9. B

    Congo Grey Parrots.

    We recently bought a Male Congo grey from a Breeder in Perth. They have Parrots available. If you are interested, I can link you up. Thanks.
  10. threat2society

    Odd feather.

    I was helping my 8 month old CAG with her pin feathers and i noticed some feathers that are almost out, but they look weird. Is it normal for them to look like this? they only look like this on her lower neck and back, right below her beak - the feathers look healthy and fine.
  11. threat2society

    African grey plucked (?) feather

    my 8 month old CAG is going through her first molt and she's having a lot of feathers falling out. I collect them and put them in a little album i have, for memories. Yesterday i found these two at the bottom of her cage. They kind of look chewed off, compared to the others. Did she pluck them?
  12. M

    African grey personality

    The desire of having an African gery for company is growing stronger and stronger and I have been doing some research on Youtube and the forums. I have couple more questions that I'd like to get some input and thank you in advance. I know that every bird has its own personality and one should...
  13. threat2society

    CAG is scared of me touching her feet

    I got a CAG a few days ago from a breeder ( I wanted to rescue one but i barely even found CAGs for sale in here, no one keeps parrots around here ) and right away i could tell she was very scared of human touch. but on the first day, while i was sitting nearby, she lowered her head and let me...
  14. B

    African Grey Breeders/Rescues in Arizona?

    Hi, I have a friend who's looking to adopt an (preferably young or handleable) African Grey that's in the Phoenix, AZ area. I've only ever had budgies and small parakeets, so I was wondering if anyone has recommended places, stores, breeders, rescues, etc. to find an African Grey? She knows it's...
  15. P

    Update on Bobby

    Hi all, I’ve had Bobby the Congo African grey for about 10 days now so thought I’d update on how he’s doing. All in all, he’s actually been doing wonders. He seems happy to see and interact with me, and every morning he joins me for some breakfast fruit. He’s very gentle about accepting treats...
  16. P

    Parrot Offering Head Seemingly for Pet Before Lunging/Biting

    Hi all, Despite what the title reads, this hasn't happened to me. Bobby, the parrot I've received two nights ago though has an extensively aggressive history of attacking people. One of the common behaviours he would do would involve lowering his head towards the bars, seemingly in the...
  17. P

    African Grey First Meet Up - Behavioural Breakdown

    Hi all, Last night I finally went to retrieve the much unloved family parrot, Bobby. He’s now safe with me in a new scary environment, starting off from the basics, but I recorded our initial meet up at collection. Ultimately I can say the situation was extremely tense. Bobby used to like me...
  18. Parotteer

    Introducing myself, Mikey Arris

    Hello. I would like to introduce my flock and myself. My name is Mikey Arris. At the moment of writing I am 51 years old, retired and living in the Netherlands. I discovered this Forum in my search for information on Amazon parrots. It is one of the many sources I found and after reading many...
  19. K

    My 4 month old parrot is acting different

    Hello, I’m new to this forum, and I have Asperger’s Syndrome, so I apologise if I describe anything badly. I found a breeder in London, England and purchased a baby African Grey from him at 3 months old. We agreed she should leave his residence when he feels she’s ready. I picked her up on 24th...
  20. I

    Still researching, want some opinions!

    Hi everyone, I’m sure some of you have seen posts I’ve made about many parrot species as im researching all my options! I’ve come to the forums today to get some opinions about my compatibility with a couple species These are: African greys (timneh mostly) Eclectus Amazons Hahns macaws Meyers...
  21. bocabill

    My African Grey has owned me since 1981

    I have had the pleasure of being owned by my male African Grey since 1981.
  22. R

    ISO reputable Congo African grey breeder

    I’m looking for a CAG breeder with reasonable prices! Please reply to this if you have any suggestions. They must ship since I can’t travel out of state (Pennsylvania). Thank you!
  23. D

    Should I adopt a parrot

    I'm new to this forum so sorry if I am in the wrong section or the format is wrong. Anyways I have wanted to adopt/buy a medium-sized parrot for a few years now. I have had experience with parrots before (budgies, cockatiels, rainbow lorikeets). I am moving to Ottawa for University next year and...
  24. Jephta Bernstein

    Cage for Sale!

    Just became a new member! Excited to find so many bird lovers in one place. I need to sell my beautiful corner cage --- moving to a smaller house and need to rehome THE CAGE. Keeping the bird. :) Corner bird cage, 31.75" x 31.75" square cage (measured without seed guard) with front corner...
  25. K

    how can i tell which pin feathers are ok?

    so my grey is a single parrot, and he depends on me to hold very still while i scratch his head and check for pin feathers. the problem is that he also very twitchy and its hard for me to get a good look at his head. even then becuase he is a gray bird its hard for me to pinpoint which...
  26. M

    Sprays for Feathers?

    Hello Everyone! I just wanted to know if anyone has had any experience with parrot sprays for bathing and prevention of feather plucking? My african grey has a hard time dealing with molts and tends to chew at his feathers, I read somewhere that there are sprays that can help with that but I do...
  27. S

    New Grey

    Hi guys, hope everyone is well! I'm new to the forum :) reaching out for help with my greys addiction to corn on the cob :p When I got him 2 month ago he was on an all seed diet with morning/evening meal of corn on the cob, apples and bananas. Since then I have successfully converted him to...
  28. P

    Newbie Here

    I’m Lorie and I currently have a 15 yr old female African Grey named Smokie, a 6.5 year old Galah (RB2) named Lola, a rescued male racing pigeon (blue barred) named Ricky Bobby and a rescued female racing pigeon (blue checked) named Shake n Bake. I live just outside Atlanta in NW Georgia and now...
  29. K

    bird is selectively scared of my hand

    so for context, my grey is a rescue and he is around 20 years old or so. i am trying to gently train him the basics (step up, being more comfortable when we do stuff with him, etc) so i can give him a better life. he has made an excelent recovery and is very happy and healthy. i just want to...
  30. K

    african grey horomone and training issues

    for context, i have a rescue african grey parrot. we saved him from emotionally neglectful owners and he has made an excelent recovery. I have bonded with him and he has learned slowly to be more comfortable around my hands and he lets me rub his head and work around his cage without fear. he is...
  31. A

    African grey feather problem :(

    My African grey has been over preening and I find a lot of down like feathers on the floor (not big ones). Her feathers look droopy and she’s constantly itching herself and looks uncomfortable when itching. I think she may have mites as the vet said that she’s completely healthy. I doubt it’s a...
  32. A

    African grey feathers (need help)

    My African grey after laying a couple eggs in a four month period started having bald patches under her wings and her wings look a lot more tattered. I also noticed she doesn’t pick her feathers but rather preens and tatters them. She has pin feathers coming under her wings in slight bald...
  33. K

    My meyers parrot (30+) bites now, ne never did 10 years ago.

    So my mom has a Meyers parrot between then age of 30 and 35 and an African Grey around the age of 20-25. Both are rescued and both picked up from the same bird owner at the same time because we were told "they are best friends" and we didn't want to break that up. If we take Roz (the Grey)...
  34. BennyCal

    African Gray 7 week old baby constant squawking

    Hello I'm new to parrot ownership. I finally got the opportunity to purchase a handled baby. The breeder took my deposit and I just waited for Rico patiently. At 2 weeks old the breeder surprised me with you need to pick him up next week or he will refund the deposit and sell the baby bird to...
  35. T

    Looking for african grey breeder! please help

    Hi everyone !! I am new the community and am looking for a legitimate breeder of African Greys to purchase one that is healthy and safe. I am having a hard time finding legitimate businesses and don't want to get burned. It doesn't matter where they are located, as I will contact them to...
  36. awesomechick

    i'm new here

    Hi everyone. My name is Gracie and i'm from Africa. I love animals in general but i have the cutest African Grey. He's 4 years old and he copies almost everything. Thanks for having us here.:)
  37. B

    African Grey suddenly keeping one eye closed?

    Hello, My African Grey baby is suddenly keeping one eye closed. I've looked at it and it doesn't seem swollen, there's no discharge on the eye, nose or mouth. He will randomly open it for 20 secs then close it. I've wiped the area very softly with a wet paper towel. Has anyone experienced...
  38. M

    Several questions about taking care of my african grey

    Hello, my african grey is 3 years old and it doesn't behave in the way I'd like it to. I usually face some problems with it and would like some help and advice. 1. I used to spend alot of time with him whenever he would be outside the cage but he never bonded with me. He bonded with two...
  39. J

    Congo african grey - no ring, rescue, laid three eggs - how many is too many?

    Hi all, My parents rescued a parrot that bonded to me. I moved out for a couple of years and recently moved her in with me - so it's just me and her now, and she is happy. However, she laid an egg. A couple of days later, another egg emerged - and this morning, a third. She is eating...
  40. C

    How to become the "chosen" one

    Hello! I have just adopted my first African grey he is 4 months old. I was very careful to meet many different birds and meet them with my partner. All of these birds seemed to prefer my boyfriend even though he did not have much to do with them. Finally I found one that was a male and had been...
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