
  1. C

    Need Help: Accidental Grand-parrontage

    Hello, All! Long time lostener, first-time caller! I find myself in a very weird predicament. I've had some health problems over the last two months, of which I have been hospitalized the last 3 weeks. We've been fighting the hormonees hard this season, and we missedtm the window for the...
  2. petit.perroquet

    Budgie eye injury

    I accidentally spooked my birds today by knocking a seed bag over and they all took off around the room. My budgie collided with my cockatiel, and when he finally landed, he was squinting one eye and rubbing it on his perches. I really can’t tell where he injured himself as there was no...
  3. CakeMarie

    Hohenheim's perch fell and so did he...

    Hey guys! I adopted hohenheim 2 days ago and everything was going so wonderful! He's been chirping at me and my hubby and I played music for him and he started dancing. I think I'm getting a bit too attached, yesterday I fell asleep next to his cage in a chair instead of next to my hubby haha...
  4. A

    my amazon squeezed his toe , help !

    this incident happened a few mins ago, i accidently pushed the door and didnt notice my little guy was standing at the top, the door didnt completely close but it did squeeze the toe and a piece of nail chipped, he was pulling in the toe and releasing back and forth, i've been monitoring him...
  5. A

    cage accident ,advice please

    hey an accident just occurred , basically my baby amazon was in her cage and one of her toes got tangled between the bars but by the time i reached in to help her she had already got it out , she is pulling her foot inside and out but she is walking and holding up toys with the same foot most...
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