
  1. R

    Abnormal feces, red and green?

    I've noticed that my Indian Ringneck has been leaving green poop with slightly red urate. It also seems a bit watery. I've also seen him standing on one foot. He isn't sneezing, and hasn't got any nasal discharge. There seems to be a lot of downy feathers on the bottom of the cage, though he has...
  2. Originalvim

    Help With Meyer...

    Hi, I have a ten month old meyer. He seems very loud in comparison to what i have heard about the species. Some of his squawks are understandable such as his barks for attention in the mornings but he also sometimes screams quite loudly when me and my partner are with him, he'll fly around...
  3. N

    Odd behavior

    Hello, I have a green cheek named Naughty and he is almost two years old. I am very in tune with him, and about two days ago I started feeling like something wasn't "right". Let me start by saying he will be going to the Vet Monday, but I am just looking for info/peace of mind (hopefully). OK...
  4. F

    Strange feathers on an adopted Amazon

    Hi, I recently adopted an Amazon parrot for a friend who could no longer care for her. I'm wondering if the feathers where the top of her wings meet her body (the shoulder area) are normal. There are some short, stubbly feathers there, and it's even on both sides of her body. Are they pin...
  5. R

    Random vicous bird aggression. Help!

    Hello. I've had my parrot for 8 years now, but I have only brung him once to a vet. Today randomly he started attacking me and biting me. He has never been like this ever! Usually he comes and cuddles, but just a few minutes ago he began to lunge and even fly at me in a furious attempt of...