I offer you this Segment (Pray): “Passing of a Feathered Friend,”
A selected from a Thread in the Amazon Sub-forum
As this Thread may likely exist far beyond my involvement in All Things Amazon. I believe that like the leading Segment of this Thread, a lasting testimony (Pray) to the Amazons that have shared our home, expanded our Love, and Understanding of Amazons should be part of this work.
It is not an issue of not wanting to visit and more importantly providing words of support as part of the Bereavement Forum, but my own difficultly in fully facing our many losses over the years. It is a reality of what we have committed ourselves too and each loss returns us to that clarity. When one opens their home to the very sick and very poorly cared for, losses are part of the commitment. I ask not forgiveness, but understanding of not often enough in sharing your grief. For those of you who loss a Loving Feather Family Member, I offer you this Pray “Passing of a Feathered Friend,” that we provide our Loved Ones!
This Segment is Rated: To be Read in the company of close Friends and Family.
May Pease find and stand with you as part of your loss my friends…
Passing of a Feathered Friend
Provided By: Steven (SailBoat), November 2016
“All of us feel such deep sadness when our Parrot friends die, and because they are Animals and not Humans, we are at a loss for words. Often, it is only other Parrot owners who can understand the depth of the loss that we feel with this complex, loyal, and loving creature. Resulting from such a loss, I have placed feelings and emotions into words and found verse to console the loss of my Cleo and since her, other sweet Amazons, in turn; I hope it will speak for all of you.” - Steven
You left this world so quickly. I can hardly comprehend your leaving. Yet there, in my hands, your still body rested — no longer your home. So much I have learned, so much you have taught, your purpose a full measure beyond your size. Comprehensions of your loss still a mist but yet, I know you are whole and happy - now beyond Rainbow Bridge. And so busy you must be upon your green wings, guiding angles to those of us yet to cross. With in my ear, I still hear you, those special sweet sounds of comfort and contentment:
“Do not stand by my grave and weep my friend.
I am not here. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the gentle summer rain.
When you wake in the morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry my friend.
I am not there. I did not die.”
My pray for you my beloved feathered friend:
“May your body nourish this earth.
May your soul find release and contentment.
May you fly high and free upon wings of spirit.
Rest in peace little green one.”
The love and tender warmth of you is a un-full-fill-able void.
I do so much thank-you for creating a space for another, a special place next to yours’.
In remembrance of Cleo, (Estimated) Spring 1959 - May 2003
Amazon’s Have More Love!
Sources: Cheyenne Warrior Blessing, The Amazona Society’s Forum, Steven (SailBoat)