Swing for disabled parrot. But also for all other parrots.


New member
Aug 31, 2016
Harry-Male-African Grey born in 2000
Toon-Male-African Grey born in 2001
Bob-Male-Budgie born in 2014
Swing for disabled parrot.
But also for all other parrots.

Because Harry is disabled and have to do everything with 1 leg, he never can sit on a normal swing. I fellt so sorry for him, so I made a separate swing so that he also can ROCK!!!!
He loves it!!!!!


I have made a video, so you can also make a swing like this:
Awww, how nice for Harry to have a swing he can use:) He looks like he's enjoying it too!

Curious, is that green crochet thing up top like a hammock for Harry? If so, do his feet ever get caught in it, or does he just lay in it? My mom has a disabled amazon who is getting to the point perching is becoming next to impossible (he had a stroke and lost function in a foot and wing and his other foot is developing severe arthritis:(). A hammock type thing would probably be really nice for him!
This is really nice! The hooks attached to the plywood are a minor risk, but easily remedied!
Also, if he is a chewer, use something other than the plywood, glues can be very toxic!! Perhaps something like a small plastic cutting board?
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Awww, how nice for Harry to have a swing he can use:) He looks like he's enjoying it too!

Curious, is that green crochet thing up top like a hammock for Harry? If so, do his feet ever get caught in it, or does he just lay in it? My mom has a disabled amazon who is getting to the point perching is becoming next to impossible (he had a stroke and lost function in a foot and wing and his other foot is developing severe arthritis:(). A hammock type thing would probably be really nice for him!

Hi Kiwibird :)

The hammock I have crocheted with very thick cotton yarn.
Harry never gets stuck with his feet. He also love it to rest in it.
But if you're worried that he his feet go through it.... you can also make a hammock from a fleece blanket or a towel.
I will as soon as possible post an explanation with pictures for you to make a fleece hammock.
I made some flat perches with little canvases (the kind you paint on) covered with felt and although Sydney didn't really use it until after he broke one side, he definitely enjoyed chewing it! He might enjoy something like this so I'm definitely going to add it to the list!
As I have said, I love this idea and am also making one! But there are a couple points that are serious and need to be addressed, yes, repeating myself!
The hooks attached to the plywood.- These open hooks pose a threat to the bird! They can easily get their beaks impaled/ hooked on it. In a panic they will rip their beak off! Ideas? For little ones, screw the hook in to the point of burying the end, or, closed end hooks? If for a big guy, welded! Even concider the type that have a nut and washer.

The plywood- you do not want your babies to be chewing on plywood, bad! Solid pine for non/minor chewers? Plastic cutting board? Comes in different colors and sizes, cuts easily, and holds a screw! Also, a piece of Corian type counter top? In the right area, this can be picked up as scrap!
Just thought of another platform idea, a miniature raft made out of safe branches cut to size! The lashing is really simple, google it! Can be as gnarly or pristine as you like! Almost free, but a little more work. And with this method, the hooks can be eliminated.

This project is great, and so easy to replicate! I love it!
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