My New Indestructible Macaw Toy


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
BF made this at work. I only have a pic of the long one. There is a shorter one that I hung a bell from. So far its a hit. He can remove all bolts , nuts, screws and they just go right back on :) 100% stainless steel. Lucky he used all scrap steel from work. Oh and no nothing is sharp on it .


Very nice, the pics are small though and hard to see, would love to see a more close up pic.
That looks like a fantastic toy for a 'mechanically inclined' parrot! Your BF did a great job! You know what else you could do with something like that, is bolt down slices of fruit (like an orange slice) for foraging fun. Be sure to get us some pics of BB playing with it too:D
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That looks like a fantastic toy for a 'mechanically inclined' parrot! Your BF did a great job! You know what else you could do with something like that, is bolt down slices of fruit (like an orange slice) for foraging fun. Be sure to get us some pics of BB playing with it too:D

Great Idea thank you. I was trying to figure what else to hook on there.
Looks like a great toy. Zoe would love that, but I would have to pick up and put those screws/bolts up several times a day :)
Yeah. One of those things they don't tell you in macaw class.

Favorite toy. Anything with nuts and bolts... and it's even more fun if it upsets people, cuz then it becomes a race to see if I can get it apart before they get me... :p FUN GAME!
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LOL Well as long as I just have to pick up and re-attach I am ok with it. Keeps me from hitting my purse for more $ and he likes it. Happy bird = happy home

Oh and he is playing with the rubber chicken........... well if you count yelling and biting playing LOL He grabs it .. it squeaks and he bites it. very entertaining for me anyway
Great idea for an indestructible toy! We need pics of BB having fun with it, please.
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Great idea for an indestructible toy! We need pics of BB having fun with it, please.

I will try this weekend. Last two times I tried to video him all you could see was that big beak clicking the screen and black tongue licking it...... then the phone falling to the floor. He is such a clown .

I'm going to break out the good camera this weekend
Great idea! Can't wait to see some bigger shots and BB playing with it! :D
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Anytime he is playing with anything and I approach him this is what I get...... He has no time for toys when I am within 5 ft lol But will try this weekend . I should have used this pic in the contest. At least you can see him. Might have to d do another entry
tonight :)
Mine are the same way.

You have to hide from them for them to really get into it... and if you're close by? A little foot goes up... "Pick me up?!"
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Mine are the same way.

You have to hide from them for them to really get into it... and if you're close by? A little foot goes up... "Pick me up?!"

And get very offended if you don't . I did that once..... came back a few min later and the beak held me in place until he could step up. He was not taking the chance of me walking off again
Well, that's the difference between a regular old "pick me up" and a "PICK ME UP RIGHT NOW!"

I think I told this story before. My first encounter with a Hy-Hy, the bird was dangling by his beak and kicking his feet. (It was my first day down at the rescue, and I was too dumb to know that meant "pick me up.") Well, I moved closer and watched the big blue goofball swinging... Until he got his momentum going to the point where he could grab my shirt at about chest level and climb aboard...

I now had an unfamiliar Hyacinth Macaw standing on my chest, looking down at me with that big beak...

"Hello! Headscractch?!" He put his head upside down against my forehead. That wasn't really a question. It was an instruction. I was being ordered to do something...

I SPENT THE NEXT TWO HOURS WITH THAT BIRD... He refused to leave me.
Well, the funny part is, after hanging out with me for two hours, I tried to set him down, and he latched onto my arm with both feet (not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to frustrate any attempt to remove him from my arm), and his beak, and did the "WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED" number...

Getting him to go down became quite problematic. We finally did succeed in bribing him off with something, but for awhile there he just wasn't having it.

And that was my introduction to Hyacinths...

I became something of a favorite toy for that bird. If he was out, he was coming to see me... taught me every macaw game he knew. And I used that knowledge with some of the other birds I worked with, and taught those games to them...

They still work...
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That is a very cool toy! You have an awesome boyfriend. :)

Yeah he is ok LOL> He is trying really hard to make friends with BB> From day one BB hated him for some reason. Actually he hated all men. Friends could walk in and if Male he would try to bite. Any ladies came in and he would tolerate them .

So BF gives all special treats and new toys. He makes such a big deal of it BB is now coming to the edge of his cage to see what the new gift of the day is :)

I am lucky that he has not given up trying to be friends with BB

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