Video's - Birds Talking - Singing - Playing


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
I love reading all the words and saying of our birds, all the different sounds they imitate.

Now we must hear all the birds saying them !!!!

I know it's hard to video them, they are just like kids, refuse to say a word and stare at the camera.
Do it the easy way..........
Record your bird talking with your cell phone, then add a few pictures. Make a video and post it for everyone to hear, see and enjoy.

No matter what your birds is doing, video them, and post it here. Whether they are playing, talking, singing, saying nothing........just post your video of your bird being a bird......

Sharing it with members make it so worthwhile
listening to the different accent's and weird sayings.

As your bird learns new word, sentences and sounds add another video

Are you guys in !!!!!!!!

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Mishka African Grey almost 3 years Old

Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Do chirps and chattering count? LOL
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Do chirps and chattering count? LOL

Of course they do Ecclipse.

Brb now now and I will show you why

Okay here we go.........
Here is Mishka chirping and chattering, she was a few weeks old

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Great pictures of Mishka... there was no sound..

How do you post pictures to you tube to be a video?
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Great pictures of Mishka... there was no sound..

How do you post pictures to you tube to be a video?

Thanks, :grey: is beginning to love the camera now.
The sound this end is okay, I just checked it now.
You mentioned you had a problem before with sound, check your settings etc

Make a slide show on windows movie maker, (or something similar)
Then upload it to youtube, then on the forum.
Good luck
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

All my guys go to bed at 7PM-7:30PM. They know the routine. I always start by saying Goodnight to Charlie, and end with Freddie. If you listen carefully, you can hear Fred whisper, when I say goodnight to him....

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

:grey: latest saying
I am being offered coffee every two minutes by :grey:

Just waiting for her to make it .............

Now this morning she is asking Do you want popcorn?

[ame=""]YouTube - African Grey MISHKA ASKING DO YOU WANT COFFEE[/ame]

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

So cute! Maybe you can teach her to turn the perc on!
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

So cute! Maybe you can teach her to turn the perc on!

:grey: not allowed near any electrical appliances
what a pity

Her next task is to remind my sons of their cell phones :rolleyes:

I keep opening the front door saying
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Don't worry! Judging from my experience, they don't go anywhere without those things!
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

You will have to teach her "Do you want some TEA" before you come over to cut our grass, I only drink tea, see!:p

This thread is going to be great when everybody got their clips together, but, why it is in the congo and timney section, I dont know.:D
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

You will have to teach her "Do you want some TEA" before you come over to cut our grass, I only drink tea, see!:p

This thread is going to be great when everybody got their clips together, but, why it is in the congo and timney section, I dont know.:D

Poor Mishka so much to learn, my poor baby, I will try teach it to her before Saturday, before I go cut your grass hehe :eek:

There is no section for all birds, thats the reason I called it
"Our" Birds Talking

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Sterretjie talking in a language that we are not intelligent enough to understand.:D

[ame=]YouTube - Sterretjie praat[/ame]
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Fun! I don't speak Ringneck, either, but at the beginning while she is getting scritches? I am pretty sure that would translate as: "Yes, yes, yes...a bit more to the left...yes, yes, yes!"
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

I know I know I know Sterretjie is learning the "birdiebet" I promise you.

I recognize some of the chirps, when I overheard the birdies at their last meeting.

LoL is sounds so cute, like a little continuous Duracell battery
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

" Do you want COFFEE?" that was so funny. When did your mishka start talking? Sushi is almost a year old and he is starting to say some words but only one word is real clear, so i'm taking it slow trying to say the words i want him to say everyday as much as i can, but i haven't yet started teaching him sentences.
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  • #19
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

" Do you want COFFEE?" that was so funny. When did your mishka start talking? Sushi is almost a year old and he is starting to say some words but only one word is real clear, so i'm taking it slow trying to say the words i want him to say everyday as much as i can, but i haven't yet started teaching him sentences.

All I can say is talk talk talk and keep talking continuously. When Sushi has learnt a word, add another word then another, making a sentence.
As they get older they catch on quicker and it gets easier. :D
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking




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