masturbating bird??


New member
Oct 22, 2010
south wales UK
Angel the blue and gold macaw, mimsy the lesser sulphur too, rocky the galah & willow the blue crowned conure.
last night rocky (rescued galah) was sat on me and started to rub himself on my arm, then he started swishing his tale back and forth and really humping with his wings open! he started panting and my sleeve was wet!
i didn't even know parrots did this, especially not this time of year.
is there anything i can do?? :confused:
haha, i just recently learned about this myself, although not from my bird~ i guess they have "needs" too!
Just return him to the cage for him to cool off. Not as a punishment though because he is just expressing his needs.
It must be so frustrating for them. At least you do not have to be concerned about egg laying.
Just return him to the cage for him to cool off. Not as a punishment though because he is just expressing his needs.
It must be so frustrating for them. At least you do not have to be concerned about egg laying.

LOL Di, I think if this was happening to most of us, we'd want to lay an egg ourselves!!!!


The trials and tribulations of being a you worry about egg laying or being bred with lol.

They should put this information in the first paragraph of every parrot information book out there!!!
Oh yeah they do and as far as they are concerned there is nothing wrong with this behavior.
I always just walk away when my guys start.
First remember, that it is breeding time for most Toos. In Aust. it is getting into summer. Genetics plays a part. My U2 humps me every chance he gets. I put him down and walk away, then go back in a few seconds. He humps his toys in his cage year round. I allow this behavior as trying to stop him would be frustrating for him and futile for me.
Yea, Eddie does this too.... a lot. All I can do is place him back in his cage, he is very persistent and keeps flying back to me, so the cage is the only real solution. Its awkward and very annoying, but don't punish it, he is only doing what comes naturally, I think we just have to deal with it ;). Eddie will usually regurgitate before he try's anything, so I often take him to his cage at this point.

Excessive petting can encourage this behaviour, so try to avoid this.
I had a lovebird that did it several times a day on the perch and he had a very angry wife that always tried to stop him
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is it just males that do this? rocky tried to do it again but i put my hand down to step him up and it distracted him and he didn't try again. i guess its nice to be loved! LOL x
No the females do this too and they really don't care if your male or female it's just their chosen one. The grey I had given to my friend Sue is a hen and she is always trying to mate with Sue. She just loved her from the minute she met her. which is why I gave her to her.. It was a match made in heaven Vern has never been so happy since the day i resued her.. It does my heart good to know that Vern is exactly where she needs to be..
:jumping40 OMG This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time!!! I just laughed so hard I scared Baby off my shoulder!!!!:innocent::smiley5::smiley5:
Teeheehee yup. *sigh* that they do. Both my boys are quite...erm....persistent :p. I suppose though, I'd rather a fid love me a little too much lol than hate me completely. Just ignore him or spritz him gently with some cool water---sort of a 'cold shower' to calm him down.
hmmmmmmm so your bird masturbating on you just shows that he loves you.................a lot hahahahhahaahahha

I think Kiwi's to young to do it (he's only 5 months old)

And I really don't know if Peeps has done it. Probably has, I just didn't notice it lol!!!
is this a forever thing or is it seasonal? my GCC tries to rub himself on us everyday. i'll be happyyyyyy if it's seasonal. does anyone know?
Umm... yes, they do. Some more than others. And they are not terribly good at being subtle or discrete about it.

Either get him a woman, or keep a box of kleenex handy?! :eek:

Or both.
is this a forever thing or is it seasonal? my GCC tries to rub himself on us everyday. i'll be happyyyyyy if it's seasonal. does anyone know?

Depends on the species. For birds with breeding season, it's during breeding season. For birds that breed year round, it's pretty much whenever the urge gets to them...

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