African grey not feeling well yellow urine


New member
Jan 2, 2017
Hello everyone,

Zara is a two year old AG,

She has been getting reoccurring yeast and bacterial infections for the last year. (Negative for bornavirus)

And has been through 3 treatments of antifungals and antibiotics 2-4 weeks each time.

I went back to the vet 3 weeks ago and they told me she still has some yeast and bacteria present in her after a gram stain test.

The vet did not want to give me more antibiotics as he mentioned that her gut flora is in bad shape and that she seemed in good health.

He recommended to try a new food harrions vs the tropican pelets she has been getting and cut the fruits and sugar out. She is also getting acv in her water.

She is also taking a probiotic daily benebac

For the last few weeks her poop, the watery urine part is very yellow, I would have thought if they saw anything during the Gram stain, they would have picked it up.

Does anyone know what could be causing the yellow urine?

Other than that, she seems to be in good shape, a little more tired than normal as I assume she is still fighting the infection.



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Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 9, 2022
Indiana, USA
Ona: Dilute Green Cheek Conure
I don't have any advice to give on what could be causing this but just wanted to say I hope Zara is better soon! I would suggest asking your vet about the urine color.

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