
  1. CherokeeFlats

    Hello from Farmer City, IL

    Hello everyone, I am super excited to be here. I have a lot of critters here on the farm including a male Cockatiel named REN and 2 babies I am handfeeding because their mama passed away the day they hatched. I have no clue why. They are growing and doing great! Check out my profile for more...
  2. M

    green wing macaw baby wanted in Nor-Cal

    Hello - Can anyone point me in the direction of a green wing macaw breeder in Nor-Cal? Looking for a hand fed fully weaned baby. Thanks!!!
  3. Zilaxia

    Cockatiel Babies Coming Soon

    My cockatiels have..."done the deed" many times since Lucy flew away (thanks a lot dad) and they're gonna be parents soon. Of course ill be getting a new cage for the 2 babies I will be keeping, (I didn't even want two more parrots, I just wanted to keep Lucy, thanks again DAD.) and will be...
  4. C

    Help! My lovebirds have these weird bright spots on their heads

    f These three siblings were born in January, so they're about 5 months old now. We had to remove them from their mother because they were getting plucked by her. You can see it in the green bird that his head is all funky, he was half bald for many months. I don't know if it's their colours...
  5. Senseless

    Ringneck Weaning advise

    How do you guys recommend weaning Indian Ringnecks and what age is okay to start? First time I'm handfeeding this species. He/she is currently 5weeks old and I've been hand raising for 3 weeks now. I have 4 birds I'm currently raising, two different pearled cockatiels and 2 Indian Ringnecks...
  6. J

    Lovebird not feeding babies

    Hello, I'm Jamie and the owner of two Lovebirds. They recently hatched their first babies ever. It kinda went wrong from the start. The female laid the first egg on the ground instead of the nest. When i put it in the nest (with gloves) she laid the rest of them in there. There were four eggs in...
  7. A

    Indian ringnecks babies feet turning purple

    Hi there, I would appreciate any advice on this situation, I’m not sure if I haven’t noticed till now or it’s a sudden on set. But two of my babies have now purple feet. Pics attached. They are around 1 1/2 to 2 weeks old. Is this something I should be concerned about or is it just pigmentation?
  8. 8-16 All Budgie Babies.JPG

    8-16 All Budgie Babies.JPG

    Budgie Babies
  9. Alexandrine Babies

    Alexandrine Babies

    Feeding tie and the first steps onto a perch
  10. Alexandrine Babies

    Alexandrine Babies

    Feeding time 6 weeks old
  11. S

    Female Ringneck is laying eggs at the moment. Needing Advice Please

    Hello everyone. I am brand new to this forum, and hoping to find some fellow animal lovers to help me out. My husband surprised me with a pair of juvenile Indian Ring Necks just over 2 years ago. He was told that they "had not been socialized in awhile" and brought them home knowing I can tame...
  12. M

    Constant Screams/Cries?

    Hi there! I just became the Parront of a little female, black-headed Caique named Bean. She is super sweet and friendly, however she is constantly making cries that sound like she’s asking for food. Anytime we pet her or hold her or approach her in any way she’ll start her cries. She seems very...
  13. PenClem

    Weaning babies and wing-clipping questions for the masses

    Howdy everyone! I was reading through some threads the other day and kind of got lost in them for awhile. Now I can't recall where I read this, but saw that folks in the Netherlands are considered to have vastly superior practices with regard to weaning baby birds than, say, Americans and their...
  14. L

    Baby Indian Ringneck Afraid of Hands

    Hello, I just purchased a baby Indian Ringneck a couple days ago. I don't know the gender and haven't named it yet. It's about 8 months old and wasn't handled much at the store I got it from. It gets really scared if I stick my hand in the cage and runs away. I tried taking it out of the cage a...
  15. B

    Parakeet Preemies?

    I took in a parakeet couple several months ago and immediately put them in separate (yet still touching) cages. The female laid eggs and I had to put them back together. I'm having a hard time getting her to stop laying eggs but I'm having a worse time getting the babies to survive. She is a...
  16. arlady


    I was given 2 gcc by a lady who didn't want them anymore. I didn't know what age or sex they were until today. Now I'm pretty sure which is which after watching their behavior just now. My question is now what do I do??
  17. T

    What to feed mum when she's feeding babies.

    Hi. My name is Toni. My conures just had a clutch of eggs. I have hand reared babies but this time i am letting her do it herself. I just want to make sure i am giving her the proper nutrients to help her babies grow. What are the best food to feed my conures right now? Any food i ahould...
  18. Kelsih11

    African grey

    I am looking for some African grey breeders in California. I have found a few that I have gotten touch with but am looking for others because they have turned out to be false breeders. Does anyone have any babies as of now? Very interested.
  19. R

    My future baby bird has hatched

    So I previously mentioned I had a baby girl kakariki on reserve from the breeder but the last group of babies didn't work out for me due to time constraints. But so it looks like this will be the bunch that I will, more likely than not, be getting a new baby from once weaned. The chicks are only...
  20. T

    Any day now Zazu's eggs will hatch..

    I need someone to tell me how to care for these baby birds. I've never bred birds before. I know that patience and time is needed, and I know that the lives of these babies are in my hands. Someone please tell me the next step! Thank you so much! :orange: