On the Topic of Mouth & Beak


May 6, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Birdy the Green Cheek Conure
Has anyone seen the inside of their parrots mouth?

Earlier today I was having a rest on the couch. Birdy was standing up on my chest at the time and as I looked up at him, Birdy yawned.
I caught a quick glimpse of the roof his mouth, and what I saw blew my mind... :eek:
His yawn only lasted for a second so I didn't get stare up into his gaping seed hole for long enough. I went to Google to search for a picture to confirm what I had just seen but I couldn't find any pictures online.

So what I would like to know is; have any of you have seen the roof of your parrots mouth? (and...) have any of you got any pictures of those crazy gills?

I'm hoping that someone can share what I just experienced with the rest of us. :)
So many frills and wierdness :p it's much more apparent on my new Alexandrine! I know what you're talking about, wondering why it's so frilly.
I definitely have a picture for you!!


;) LOLOLOLOL Blockatiel. :)

And also


Its their funky little version of a palate, it connects to their birdy nasal passages :D They have simpler systems than mammals so they don't have anything like a soft palate (the squishy back part of the roof of our mouth) so its just more or less open in birdies. So I guess you can see why their systems are so fragile :) You were pretty lucky to be positioned in just the right place at just the right time :D

I will see if I can find any specific info for you, maybe some drawn diagrams :D
That ribbed effect on their upper beak is their built-in nail file so they can keep their lower beak trimmed.....when you hear them grinding, that's what they're grinding their lower beak against.....
I've never seen anything that looks like gills inside Kiwis mouth. He has the same kind of stuff in there we do-those little fleshy lumps in the back that help you swallow (I don't know the technical terms) and a tongue. They're obviously smaller and shaped a bit differently, but are essentially the same things we have. Though I will say, while it obviously a tongue they have, their version creeps me out lol. Not only does his tongue remind me of a fat little worm, but it's also dry since they don't have saliva and has a "hole" thing in the back. Kiwi likes to lick people and toys (no joke), so we see his tongue a lot, and it never ceases to creep me out (especially when he's being a nice boy and giving licking kisses).
The ribbing we're talking about is outside the mouth, on the inside, front of the upper beak, also birds have another anomaly that some find weird, on the outside of the lower beak, where you would think it should join the jaw, there is an opening & if it were to ever catch/hook itself there & lose its balance, a bird cannot remove itself from such a position, it would be caught, until it someone removed it.....
:) Yes there are the ridges, at the front of the beak. But they are talking about the birds palate, thats what the "gills" are she refers to. Because of the absence of a soft palate, their nasal region is open and forms little frilly areas toward the back of the mouth. The extent depends on the species and also the health of the bird. A younger bird most likely has more exaggerated "frills". I was too tired to look for sources last night but I will check it out today and link some references for you :)
:) Yes there are the ridges, at the front of the beak. But they are talking about the birds palate, thats what the "gills" are she refers to. Because of the absence of a soft palate, their nasal region is open and forms little frilly areas toward the back of the mouth. The extent depends on the species and also the health of the bird. A younger bird most likely has more exaggerated "frills". I was too tired to look for sources last night but I will check it out today and link some references for you :)

OH! I misread. Those are the choanal papillea!

^^^^these are intact fully and this bird has never had a respiratory infection. My vet says the points disappear if they've had an infection.
I am terrible... I still haven't done a search :p I am off to search now.

Its been a busy day today all while the background noise of corella screaming like a black cockatoo is zapping through my head LOL

Someone please kill me now.
:) Yes there are the ridges, at the front of the beak. But they are talking about the birds palate, thats what the "gills" are she refers to. Because of the absence of a soft palate, their nasal region is open and forms little frilly areas toward the back of the mouth. The extent depends on the species and also the health of the bird. A younger bird most likely has more exaggerated "frills". I was too tired to look for sources last night but I will check it out today and link some references for you :)

OH! I misread. Those are the choanal papillea!


Thats a fabulous picture!
Couldn't find anything. :/ Do you know any resources sodkat? I haven't had reason to use my training & research in many years... I couldn't remember the clinical name for it, but you knew it/found it, maybe you've got something?
What's Inside Your Bird's Mouth?

Did I post?
I keep forgetting to ask my vet how Keikoa's are.
She has had sinus infections since November- 6 months.

Several different ones, both bacterial and fungal and has had 2

But anyway, the roof of her mouth, the choana? about 3 weeks ago had a
clog, bacterial and food maybe, and now is clear. It is important to watch them.
The first symptom was nasal discharge, head-shaking and breathing through mouth.

I think a fight between Keik and very large Friday, started all of this. There was
a bit of scar tissue on the right side on an Xray.

So observation, plus keeping birds separated if there is any issue between them.
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