Yellow Amazon Parrot?


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Central California
Hi all,

I did some research but I am still unsure what type of yellow amazon parrot this guy is. We rescued him from poor living conditions, his cage was not big enough to spread his beautiful wing, etc. Anyhow, I have him now. I plan to take him in this week to get his wings, beak and nails looked at and addressed.

He is starting to warm up to me and I am able to hand feed him. He has made a clicking sound then says, "here doggie doggie doggie".

I named him "Lux" short for Lucky since I saved him. :green2:

Can anyone advise what type of parrot he is....



I think it's a Blue Front. What a beauty! Good Luck with it.
Can't help with the type, all I can tell is that s/hes a happy Zon in a better place...
Yeah I am going to say orange wing. Not looking much like a blue front.
Hi, This is definitely an Orange-winged Amazon. I also have one.


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looks like my orange wing, so that is my vote.
Winna winna chicken dinnah, an OWA for sure. Welcome and thank you for rescuing him.
Oops, I forgot in the excitement, make sure to read,so and reread, and read again the first post in the Amazon subforum. It will be invaluable to both you and Lux.

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