Beebee parrot


New member
Aug 19, 2015
Hi, I cannot find any info on this type of parrot. I think the correct name for it is brotogeris chiriri. There is very little info online about this species and their care, personality, training etc.. my name is Venus and my parots name is Ollie. I rescued her just a few days ago along witha cockatiel (Simone) I know little about birds in general and want to do everything right for my new babies anyone knows any information on this cute little beebee parrot please share. Thank you :)
Just wanted to let you know .. I typed in the name and a bunch of stuff came up..even a Facebook page..I personally don't know anything about those birds but they are really pretty. I hope you find help on this forum..lots of knowledge ..and welcome Venus
They're also called Canary Winged parakeet :). There is also a similar one in the pet trade called White Winged. There are a couple people here who come on irregularly who have Brotos.

Brotogeris parrakeets used to be very popular in the US a few decades ago. From what I've heard, they're hard to breed in captivity, so they went from common to rare when import/export closed. When my Robin was a little boy, I used to see the Gray Cheeked (brotogetris) everywhere. They were at least as plentiful and popular as GCC are today!
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Thank u for the info. I just posted another thread under cockatiels. Sadly my cockatiel passed last night. It was devasting. Read my thread for details RIP my poor Simone :'(
I am so sorry, I'm going there now to read your other thread.

Edit: Allee actually moved your thread for Simone to the Bereavement section.
I've wondered what a beebee parrot is also. I never knew they were the canary winged parakeet. My sister's sister in law said she had a beebee parrot years ago and I didn't know what she was talking I would love to see pics of your Ollie. I am so sorry about Simone!
I am currently trying to find a canary winged parakeet but no luck if someone can help me I would greatly appreciate it I am in los Angeles but I am willing to drive. to get it

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