White noise or other noises.


New member
Jun 19, 2017
I have a Homedics sound spa thingy and it has rain sounds and I was wondering if that would be good for my conure. And if so, do you do it during the day or at night?? Thanks!
My bird is exposed to different noises all day and is used to it. Thunder storms, cars, barking dogs, lawn mowers, other birds, music, all kinds of noises. So if the home medics spa is something you enjoy listening to then it's best to get the bird use to it.

At night I think they just appreciate a dark, relatively quiet place to sleep. No need to play waterfall and cricket sounds just for their benefit. If you like it, however, then I think it would be fine. My Senegal sleeps through any noise. I just don't think it's necessary for them unless you have a bird that doesn't like going to bed. Then by all means try it.
At night, I play calm, low-volume cricket sounds for my sun conure and parakeets. They love it. I keep it running on their own mp3 player when it's light out.

For the random day time, I may play wind, river, frog, jungle noises, choral music, etc. I have a whole collection (over 3,000 files) on the pc that I just rotate on the flash drive which gets hooked to the player. That way, there's always something new / different.

When there are loud fireworks, I run all the electric fans for white noise + crickets to calm them.
I would avoid using 'white noise!' The concept of white noise is to eliminate other sounds. It is commonly used with head phones. Not sure of any benefit when used in a room.

There is also, several CD's available with specific natural background sounds that would be like those found in different Parrot's natural ranges.

We have a similar thing we got at Brookstone before we had Kiwi. I do turn it on every so often but Kiwi seems not to notice or care (I mostly like the ocean waves noise). It's been a long time since we bought that thing, but if I'm remembering the sales pitch correctly supposedly the different noises affect different brain wave patterns or something along those lines:rolleyes: Maybe next time he's agitated I'll put it on the "relaxing" sounds and report back if it soothes the angry beastie:p
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Interesting. I'm not sure sound would be particularly important for birds? Obviously there are alarm and flock sounds, but I think they'd be more visual-focused so to speak. There pray would be seen rather than heard wouldn't it?

I must admit I've never thought about fireworks scaring my birds, probably because they never have. Then again it would make sense that they would be fine with sudden, loud sounds because that is the noise they make!

For mammals - my dog definitely is scared by fireworks - the same sort of short sharp sound would probably only mean danger. For Charlie, my late Amazon, short sharp sounds were just her saying hello (again, and again, and again, and again!...)

Nope, just changed my mind again....background bird sounds probably would be calming because your bird would no other birds hadn't noticed anything dangerous... Very interesting topic!
My guys are use to my snoring and just sleep through it :).

They flinch every time I flip the light switch, they will even stare at it and know it's coming but still flinch. They are okay with most noises, even fireworks if it's right outside... that darn light switch though...

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