Temporary demon possession of green cheek conure...


New member
Sep 19, 2013
2 yellow sided green cheeks, one named Abbey and one named Bonny. I also have a cockatiel named Diego.
A very bizarre incident occurred last night on September 18, 2013. My 6 month old yellow sided green cheek Bonny began to have what I called a panic attack. She would not come near me and ran away from me screaming when I tried to get her to step up. I picked her up and could not get her to stay on my hand. She kept flying away and was in a constant state of terror. It was as though she felt threatened by me. I continued to hold her and she calmed down but when I would try to pet her she would scream bloody murder and bite me very hard. She has been nippy ever since I got her last month. But the bites last night were extremely hard and broke the skin which had never previously happened. She became so violent toward me I had to hold her down on her back, while she proceeded to emit eardrum splitting shrieks. She eventually wore herself out with all the screaming and fighting.

She finally stopped fighting and appeared exhausted but was still quite moody. I wrapped her in a towel held the side of her beak against a very thin stream of running water. She drank as if she hadn't had any water in days (she does always have fresh water in her bowl by the way). I also used a medicine dropper and fed her some orange juice. I put her in her cage where she proceeded to climb up a few steps but then seemingly fall asleep. Using the towel (so I would not get bitten again) I placed her in her Happy Hut so she could be comfortable, and that is where she spent the rest of the night sleeping. She did not try to bite me again and I did not hear a peep from her all night.

This morning when I woke up, she was awake and alert. She was climbing around her cage, eating her food and drinking water. It was a completely different bird from the previous night. I wasn't ready to put my hand in her cage yet so I left her alone. When I arrived home from work this afternoon, she was extremely sweet and social. She acted like she wanted out of her cage, so I tried out the step up and it worked - no bite either. I fed her seeds and talked nicely to her.

The weirdest thing is she wasn't this sweet before the demon possession of last night. She was a wildling - always wanting to play and explore, not cuddly at all, and very nippy but never broke the skin. She would always step up willingly but several nips would always be in store for me if I handled her. Today she is more docile than I've ever seen, more willing to sit on my finger, and more sociable.

So does any of this make sense to anyone? Could the demon possession of last night have anything to do with her seemingly new sweeter demeanor? I liked her before the demon possession of course, and was tolerating her nips, but I could get used to this one now. It is like the demons of last night and her wild ways of before were exorcised last night.

And before you say I need to take her to the vet - the avian vet that I use, the only one in my area, is pretty worthless. She'll charge me $60 for an office visit, recommend a bunch of expensive blood work and other tests which won't accomplish anything, and give me the same useless generic pain relief liquid medicine that she gave me before for my last bird (who unfortunately recently passed away). Judging from Bonny's bite strength during her demon possession, I was 100% certain that she would live through the night and I have to say I was not the least bit surprised to see her up and about today.

Any intelligent thoughts from bird owners with a similar experience would be vastly appreciated.

Ya know right when I red the title I looked at Lilo and said aww your not a demon! Then she bit me hard! ^_^ I think I startled her!

Ok sorry um what I would do is give her treats like millet spray like hand feed her and hold it so your hand is far away from her head and slowly in time move down the treat and after a while, you can give her tiny pieces of treat and she will be comfortable with you and your hand!

Hope that helps! :)
Maybe she had a lot of pent up energy? I don't really know. Getting a good amount of sleep helps with their temperament a lot though, did you give her extra rest?

Sometimes Oliver gets scared of something (I can't always figure out what it is) and does a very sharp screech and doesn't want me to try to pet or pick him up, I just try to let him relax and don't force him to do anything or make sudden movements. He usually chills out pretty quickly but sometimes it can last up to a minute or two.

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