Feather condition


New member
May 7, 2012
Brisbane, QLD
Misha - Yellowsided GCC
Guapo - Cinnamon GCC
Nimbus - Alexandrine
Misha doesn't photograph well so I've googled what it looks like :p
I don't know if he's just an over-preener or what but I'd appreciate your thoughts, his feathers are like this on his back mostly and on his front, wings and tail are perfect. Can't say much about Guapo, he just finished molting and he looks great, Misha's just starting nowish.

Just the chewed ends I'm concerned about, they have very sharp beaks... :confused:



Just feather bronzing/breaking from wear and tear.

WellVet.com - FeatherGroomingDisorders

As long as it's from too much petting/rough playing and not diet or health related, it's perfectly normal!
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Thanks Monica! Just got a bit worried, vet said a while back "it could be of concern" but I was under the impression it was just wear and tear and rough play as you said, but it's been eating at me ever since!
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Sorry if this doesn't make sense but do you say it's shredding purely because of feather condition, or do you tell from how they preen themselves as well?
Just I never spot the GCCs aggressively preening, they both look the same in their preening habits.

BUT this does help me with my Alex, she shreds up feathers near ones that are coming in new, I figured it was just because it was painful and she was just trying to get old feathers out but now I wonder if it's more serious!
You would know if it's an issue or not after they go through a molt. A molt would bring new feathers and if the feathers appear the same immediately rather than slowly getting that way, then ya, it could be an issue.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense but do you say it's shredding purely because of feather condition, or do you tell from how they preen themselves as well?
Just I never spot the GCCs aggressively preening, they both look the same in their preening habits.

BUT this does help me with my Alex, she shreds up feathers near ones that are coming in new, I figured it was just because it was painful and she was just trying to get old feathers out but now I wonder if it's more serious!

I can tell from the look of the feathers. I don't see mine doing it, but when I have her on me and I look at her, I can see some barbering on one side of her at times....
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Thanks guys, Misha and Nimbus are going through big molt now, feathers everywhere! I'll get the vet funds ready just in case. Thanks again :)

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