Green cheek conure mutations.


Mar 10, 2012
I have Psittacidae
whoa, i was just going through pictures of gcc color mutations. ;D

i love the turquoise ones! don't think i've seen this yellow one
before though.
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Hi, I don't know how to do this correctly yet but:- In another post I saw comments about colour mutations in green cheek conures. The preceeding photo of a lutino green cheek has been confusingly named a suncheek. This is a bird that no longer produces melinin (black) in its feathers so only the lutinin shows. The nex most often mutation observed is blue from "green" parots and whiteface in cocketoos and the improperly named cocketiel. If any one not familiar with colour breeding ever produces a blue green cheek make cirtain you immediatly bring it to a breeders attention. If the blue is reprobuced it will at first command a good price. The most immportant in my view that is the first step in producing a white greencheek. Also there is aS MUCH AS i ERSONALY DIS LIKE THE PRACTICE PROBABLY INTRODUCING MUTATED COLOURS INTO OTHER CONURE SPECIES. ( Know I need both improved spelling and typing skills) D.D.
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Hi. Boy some are quick I got two replys before I completed the post. Yes "expensive" is the reason you should be alert to any unusual colours of young in the nest (If lucky it could begin a new career) D.D.
I love the colors on that suncheek but that name makes it sound like a sun/green cheek hybrid. And $6000 for a pair of those, wow!!!!
HI, I have a little lady like the one in the background, looking at the camera. They said she is a Pineapple Green Cheek when I bought her. Is that what you call it as well, or is there a different name for them?
Yes those are called pineapple gcc. They are yellow side/cinnamon mutation.
Great, thank you! I could never find anything in the books and magazines that I have gotten since getting her and was always curious as to whether such a thing truly did exist. I'm glad to have some closure to the idea.
Your welcome. And usually the books or Internet list the pineapple as one of the main mutations, but I don't know what you have read.
The yellow one is called a Sun Cheek.

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