Buzz Update


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
It's been over 2 weeks since getting Buzz, and he is very against interacting with humans. He doesn't care about the dogs, they can do whatever. He's graduated from growling at me when I give him food to no growling. Good progress.

Today I have YouTube videos of CAGs rolling for him. I also moved his cage to a different location in my office. So far I'm seeing positive reactions. He is so focused on the YouTube CAGs. He hasn't made a peep but he is so focused.

Has anyone else used YouTube in this manner? If so, how did it work out?

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I'm very curious how YouTube watching could impact a parrot, my gut says very little due to the fact a parrot most likely doesn't relate or understand the concept of what it is they are supposed to be doing of focusing on.

I hope I'm wrong bc it could be a great tool. I use you tube for realistic audio for Perjo to mimic.

She's starting to piece together this R2 D2 clip.
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Buzz opened up a little today and even threw some whistles my way, repeating what I threw at him. I think it's more of hearing rather than seeing. However the fact that he and I were interacting is a positive.

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They can see the youtube video I know this for a fact from my Roger (White Eyed Conure now at Rainbow Bridge) who constantly watched tv or youtube if he got a chance...there was one particular advert that Roger loved on tv and if you got in his way of watching the screen during that advert he would throw a fit...his eyes were glued to the screen and it was during the silent part of the advert that he was most focused and really captured by what was on the screen and I figured he was watching a guy coming from way in the distance towards the front and side of the screen on skees(nothing to do with what was being advertised)... Rogers reaction to this background guy in the advert was what made me switch on youtube for him and place his stand where he could always watch tv if he wished. He loved movement on screen...Peter Pan my Quaker is more into me than tv or youtube ...and I havent started introducing Mr Biggles to youtube or tv yet...parrots vary in their interest in tv or youtube...but I have learned from Roger that what you watch on the screen may not be what catches their eye and what might interest a parrot could be a tiny almost insignificant figure or movement during the video or movie or advert...Roger did recognise his own kind by sound on youtube but then took a visusl interest in the White eyed Conure on the screen...even tried searching behind the screen for her looking for a way to get to her...the only time that Roger ever lunged at me was when I would go to switch her video off for he learned over time that my hand hitting a certain button on the computer switched his online girlfriend off the screen :) Buzz is doing Great and sounds like he is settling in. I bet he enjoyed the CAGs on youtube :)
Our Buzz loves YouTube. He will watch it very quiet and serious and then when he hears a sound he knows he copies it. He also watches tv with us. He changes perches so he has a good view. We only have streaming, no real tv so when we leave the birds get the radio left on. We have found he has favorite stations. Anything classical with violin he immediately starts singing to it. We have been doing nature sounds lately with wild bird calls and he gets very active when that is on.
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Husband just told me Buzz said hello last night when I was showering. I missed it! I think moving his cage is helping. I had him by a wall and book cased. I moved him away from the wall a bit closer to my desk away from walls and he's making new noises, even mumbling. He's loosening up. I already set my iPad up on my desk corner with YouTube playing and the sound is on a separate speaker.

When we leave our house, we leave an old iPod playing, lol! The iPod is more than 7 years old and we have it play through the library, not too loud but enough to cover outside noises. We joke about the birds having their own iPod, lol!

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My ekkies and princess parrots used to love listening to anything that had bird sounds, TV docos, Youtube etc. If they could hear the birds chirping away they would get all excited. They wouldn't shriek or anything just start to have little "conversations" with the visiting birds!
That's really cool Tracey. Keep it up, he'll keep opening for you. I think pulling him from his the only family he's ever known may have been more traumatic than typical. He may just be bit more of a sensitive soul.
I am hooked on Mr. Max TV :rolleyes: "angeleyedboidan"'s M2 and so is Amy..she hears Max talk and she gets all poofy and chatty.


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