Parakeet poop check


New member
May 8, 2014
Hi everyone, ever since we got Percy, I have never seen poop like the other birds (my brother's bird for example) so his poop has always been watery, when he poops on my hand it simply runs off. He does poop close to normal though but almost always watery. Should I be concerned? Visually, his weight is normal and he is always active.

Here is two of his poop next to each other, one is plain water, the other has some solid feces.

Thanks in advance for any comments/feedback.

In comparison,
I have never seen my budgie poop like this: ever (my Brother's budgie poops just like this, his is only 2 months old, mine is 1,5 yrs old, in fact I don't see anything watery in his cage, could it be he is dehydrated?)

For the record, I feed him Brown's Encore Premium (Vitamin Fortified). He doesn't like anything else, I tried other brands, pallets, etc..
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Sometimes, regardless of diet, the poop texture may vary a bit. Also, food that has more moisture can make a wet dropping. But you say that he's a seed eater and that's all?

If they are heading toward a molt, sometimes it can cause a little loose or watery droppings too.

Because you say that the poops consistently have a large water portion, the best advice I can give you would be to get him to an avian vet for some blood work. This can check his internal organ function, which can cause poop to be 'off' if parameters are not within normal range. Good luck with Percy.
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Thanks, he is a seed eater (and occasional fruit, he seems to shy from pretty much everything else) Once I put a bit of greens in his feeder, he never touched that side.

As for his poop, I recall being able to pick up his poop when he was sitting on my hand, flying around and dropping, and also seeing lumpy ones in his cage but at the same time he was also doing watery ones. Above pictures is a poop on a packing paper from Ikea. Paper absorbs the urine part very fast so we can't really see it.

I'll try taking to a vet tomorrow if they can see us with a short notice. Would we be able to get test results fairly quickly or is it going to be a lengthy process?
It's simple :). Blood work has to be sent out to a diagnostic lab (emergency clinics might have an in house lab) but I've not heard of an avian vet that doesn't send it out. Results are usually back within a week or less.

I'd try to find an avian specific vet if it's possible in your area. They really have to know what they're doing, to take blood from an animal as delicate and tiny as a budgie.
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It's simple :). Blood work has to be sent out to a diagnostic lab (emergency clinics might have an in house lab) but I've not heard of an avian vet that doesn't send it out. Results are usually back within a week or less.

I'd try to find an avian specific vet if it's possible in your area. They really have to know what they're doing, to take blood from an animal as delicate and tiny as a budgie.

Waiting a week will be a nightmare wait,

I have two more pictures from his cage after I replaced the paper, all this poop in matter of about 6 hrs. (except for the stuff on the cage grill, that was already there)
How would waiting a week (or less) be a nightmare? You say he's been having the same poop for a while now, and other than that he's acting fine.

If waiting for blood work is a nightmare for you, try waiting a week for deadly contagious disease testing! Go get it done, you'll be fine ;).
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How would waiting a week (or less) be a nightmare? You say he's been having the same poop for a while now, and other than that he's acting fine.

If waiting for blood work is a nightmare for you, try waiting a week for deadly contagious disease testing! Go get it done, you'll be fine ;).

I know, but now we suspect something, before I never suspected anything, I just figured it was all normal since he is active, eating, playing and flying around, but now it's a different story. I've called 4 different avian and exotic vets, nobody has the doctors for birds today, will follow up with other locations now. Thanks for your help.
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I took him to our local vet who looked and said the poop looks well formed with just more water but he wouldn't call that diarrhea. He suggested I include more veggies and greens as well as mashed banana and other non-citrus food in his diet and watch. He said Percy is alert, all vital signs are positive and overall he looks to be healthy. I asked him about washing him, he said plain water works just fine.

Should I still be concerned?

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